Cute to Sexy | New York Boudoir Photography


"I have always considered myself 'cute', but I never would have described myself as sexy." 

Ahhh yes. I've heard it a hundred times before...the ol' "I'm really not "sexy."

What most people don't realize is that "sexy" doesn't have much to do with appearance. It's about the way you carry yourself. It's about confidence. It's that feeling you get when you know you're amazing.

Ms. J came to me with a few different wardrobe options, one of which had been gifted to her by her hubs.  It was a a garter belt and thigh high set, and there was something almost "Kiss of the Spider Woman" about it (I am exposing my musical theatre geekdom now). She never wore it, and i could tell she felt not quite herself in it. Usually, if you don't feel comfortable in the wardrobe I would say don't wear it, but she looked SO.DAMN.GOOD in it I couldn't resist snapping a few shots.  We laughed about it, and said that if she didn't love the images in the end, she didn't have to keep them.  But guess what?  The images were AMAZING and were some of her favorites!

That's the thing about stepping out of your comfort zone -- you never know where it will take you!  And would could be more exciting that that?  With me directing your poses, facial expressions, and encouraging you the entire time, you are guaranteed to feel SEXY through the whole process. Especially seeing your photos. 

“To me, sexy is the confident energy a person produces. Sexy is the comfortable feeling of being who you are. Sexy is not just having beautiful lips, legs, and arms. It is beyond that. Sexy is soul.”

— Karina Smirnoff

It was an absolute pleasure to show Miss J just how sexy she is.

I'm so grateful for clients like Miss J that can come into the studio, trust me to do what I do best, and who finally get to see the SEXY in there. Because the more you experience, the more you can carry that confidence, that SEXY with you every single day. 

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to take it from Cute to Sexy?  Do it for YOU & drop me a line!