How to Pose for Your Boudoir Shoot | Frequently Asked Questions | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer


One of the most popular questions I get is, “What if I don’t know how to pose?” And I don’t blame my clients for asking that! Posing is probably one of the scariest parts of a boudoir session. Many people are not used to being in front of the camera and most people aren’t naturals at posing – especially without very much clothing on! But don’t worry – I never leave you to your own devices and I never expect you to know what you’re doing – that’s my job!

During your boudoir session I will be there every step of the way – encouraging you, posing you and making sure you look amazing! You will also receive some tips in my prep guide which can help. Want to do some homework ahead of time? Here are some tips for posing during your boudoir session:


First and foremost - TRUST ME!

I will pose you every time. You will never have to come up with a pose – unless you want to of course! Hey, if you’re comfortable in front of the camera and you know what poses work for you, go for it! If you’re not comfortable – don’t sweat it, most people aren’t! From the minute you walk into the shoot you will not be left to your own devices. I will pose you every step of the way! I will even put myself in the pose so you can see exactly what it is I’m looking for. A few things you’ll hear me say often are: stand up straight, tummy in, arch that back, point those feet. I’ll give you constant reminders of these things and will let you know where to look when to smile, how to breathe even! So don’t stress and trust me - I will make you look GREAT.


Practice in front of the mirror at home.

Practice makes perfect with most things, and it’s the same with posing for your boudoir session! You know what you like and don’t like about yourself so practice posing in front of a mirror at home to get the feel for what your best angles are. I personally, love my right profile better than my left profile. Most people don’t see a difference but I do, and that is what counts. Make sure you take note of what a pose feels like so you can replicate it once you can’t see yourself. Of course, I will be there to help you but practicing takes away some of the anxiety you might feel if you haven’t done boudoir before. If you have a favorite side of your face or an angle you don’t love of yourself, feel free to share it with me — I want you to love your images and I will always take those types of preferences into account.


Exaggerate a pose.

When you are in front of a camera, you can get a little “extra.” Exaggerating a pose means really popping that hip or really arching your back. Cameras love angles and curves and being a woman, you have those in abundance! Use them to your advantage and really put your whole body into a pose. I promise, you won’t look silly, to the contrary pushing your body a little more than usual will always read better in camera than a half-assed attempt (pun intended. I’ve got jokes).


Be playful and laugh.

Sure we will capture some sultry looks, but I also think a women is most beautiful when she is smiling naturally, and even laughing! So don’t be shy about having fun! Laugh, be playful – bring that inner vixen out! I have jokes that will help you laugh for real (see above for evidence of that) and will direct you to do things like jump up and down, shake it out, play with your hair, and so on that will help get your nerves out and help us capture authentic emotions in you.


Create a Pinterest board.

Pinterest is awesome to find poses that you love. Now keep in mind that we might not be able to replicate the photo exactly but we can definitely try to mimic the pose! It also gives me a good idea of the feel and types of shots you are going for. It also helps me understand your overall style and the location that might be right for our shoot.


Be prepared to be a little sore

You might be sore after your boudoir session! Seriously! Some of the poses I will put you in will feel like a pilates or yoga workout. There will be poses that are uncomfortable as you will be exaggerating and arching as I’ve said above. And there will be poses that feel funny or awkward to you – that’s normal! Feel the burn, put on a smile and I’ll show you the photo afterwards to show you how awesome you look.

What other concerns do you have about your boudoir shoot? Hit me up and I’ll be sure to blog about it — my goal is to put your mind at ease and show you that it’s all really much easier than you think it will be.

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to pose for the camera? Contact me and let’s chat!