
How Boudoir Photography Helps After Divorce

Divorce can be a seismic shift in life, leaving one grappling with identity and self-worth. As a professional boudoir photographer in Brooklyn, NY, I know how boudoir photography helps women rebuild their lives post-divorce. In this article, we'll explore how embracing boudoir can become a catalyst for rediscovering confidence and embracing a new chapter.

Boudoir Photography Helps After Divorce

Empowerment Through Boudoir

In the aftermath of divorce, it's not uncommon for women to feel a sense of loss, both emotionally and in terms of self-esteem. As a boudoir photographer, I've had the privilege of guiding numerous women through the process of reclaiming their power. Boudoir photography provides a safe space for them to express themselves, celebrate their bodies, and rediscover the strength within. The intimate nature of these sessions allows for a profound connection with one's own beauty and sensuality, fostering a newfound confidence that extends beyond the photo shoot.

How Boudoir Photography Helps

Rebuilding Self-Esteem

Beyond the photos, boudoir photography serves as a therapeutic tool for rebuilding self-esteem. Through the lens, women confront and overcome insecurities, embracing vulnerability as a source of strength. The act of being photographed in a sensual and empowering way becomes a form of self-love, challenging societal norms and redefining beauty on their terms. It's a journey of self-discovery that extends far beyond the photo session, influencing how women perceive themselves in their daily lives.

blond woman during boudoir shoot in NYC

Empowering Women to Embrace Change

Divorce often marks the beginning of a new chapter, and boudoir photography becomes a celebration of this life's change of direction. The images captured serve as powerful reminders of resilience and strength, acting as a personal declaration of independence. The process of selecting wardrobe, poses, and settings becomes an empowering experience, putting women in control of their lives and reinforcing their ability to embrace change.

A Healing Process

The boudoir experience goes beyond the individual; it fosters a connection with one's own body and, in many cases, sparks a renewed sense of intimacy with others. As a boudoir photographer in Brooklyn, I've witnessed clients emerge from sessions with a heightened appreciation for their bodies, leading to more fulfilling relationships. The newfound self-assurance gained through boudoir becomes a catalyst for healthier connections, both romantically and personally.

California Girl Style Boudoir Shoot in NYC

Redefining Beauty on Your Terms

Societal standards often dictate what is considered beautiful, leaving many women feeling inadequate post-divorce. Boudoir photography challenges these norms by showcasing the diverse beauty that exists in every individual. It's a rebellion against the notion that sensuality has an age limit, empowering women to embrace their unique allure. Through my lens, I encourage clients to redefine beauty on their terms, fostering a sense of liberation and self-acceptance.

A Lasting Legacy

Boudoir photography immortalizes a moment in time, serving as a lasting legacy of strength and resilience. The images become a personal time capsule, documenting the journey from vulnerability to empowerment. As a professional boudoir photographer in Brooklyn, I've seen clients revisit their photos as a source of inspiration, a tangible reminder of their ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger.

Best Boudoir Brooklyn NY - woman in sheets and lace dress

Embrace Your Strength, Redefine Your Story

In conclusion, boudoir photography is not just about capturing beautiful images; it's a transformative experience that empowers women to embrace their strength and redefine their stories after divorce. As the founding photographer of Brooklyn Boudoir Photography, I invite you to embark on this empowering journey with me. Rediscover your confidence, celebrate your uniqueness, and embrace the beauty that exists within you. Contact me today to schedule your own transformative boudoir session and step into a new chapter of self-love and empowerment.

How Boudoir Photography Empowers Women Over 50 in New York

Boudoir photography is my passion and allowed me to have the immense pleasure of witnessing the transformative power it causes, particularly for women over 50. In a city that never sleeps, where diversity and individuality thrive, embracing one's authentic self becomes a powerful act of empowerment in NYC. Through my lens, I've seen women rediscover their confidence, celebrate their bodies, and embrace their sensuality with grace and poise.

50th birthday boudoir celebration

Discovering Beauty After 50

The bustling streets of Brooklyn come alive with stories of resilience and wisdom. Boudoir photography becomes a medium through which women over 50 reclaim their narratives, redefine beauty standards, and rediscover the timeless allure that transcends age. 

Boudoir sessions, tailored for women over 50, offer a unique opportunity for self-exploration and expression. It's a celebration of the journey they've walked, the experiences that shaped them, and the beauty that has only deepened with time. Through the images, every wrinkle tells a story, and every curve echoes resilience. The resulting photos are visual affirmations of strength, confidence, and the enduring allure that age can bring.

Shattering Ageism in New York City

In a city that thrives on diversity, New York has become the canvas for challenging societal norms and redefining beauty standards. Boudoir photography serves as a powerful tool to shatter ageism, proving that beauty is not confined to youth. As a boudoir photographer, my mission is to capture the essence of each woman, celebrating the lines that tell stories and the wisdom that radiates from within.

Empowering women over 50 through boudoir photography is about the ripple effect that extends beyond the photographs. These sessions become a statement, a declaration that beauty is not limited by age but flourishes with it. The vibrant spirit of Brooklyn mirrors the vivacity and strength of the women who step into my studio, ready to showcase their radiance to the world.

60 and fabulous boudoir shoot

A Journey of Confidence and Liberation

Boudoir photography is a transformative journey that encourages self-love, body positivity, and confidence. For women over 50, it's an opportunity to embrace their bodies with a newfound appreciation and to see themselves in a light that goes beyond societal expectations. The experience is liberating, creating a safe space where vulnerability is celebrated, and self-assurance is born.

The magic unfolds as women step out of their comfort zones, shedding societal expectations and embracing their authentic selves. The confidence that emerges from these sessions becomes a beacon, inspiring others to embark on their path to self-love and acceptance.

boudoir 50th birthday celebration

Brooklyn Boudoir Photography Studio

At Brooklyn Boudoir Photography, my commitment goes beyond the art of capturing stunning images; it's about crafting an experience that transforms lives. My studio in the heart of Brooklyn becomes a sanctuary for women over 50, a space where they can explore, express, and celebrate their beauty without limitations. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I ensure that every session is a personalized experience toward empowerment. As an award-winning professional boudoir photographer, my goal is to create an atmosphere where confidence blossoms. 

New York Boudoir Photograph - latina woman in hotel

Empowered and Ageless in the Concrete Jungle

In the heartbeat of Brooklyn NY, where dreams are born and diversity is celebrated, the empowerment of women over 50 through boudoir photography is a testament to the enduring spirit of the city. Brooklyn Boudoir Photography stands as a beacon, inviting women to rediscover their beauty, redefine societal standards, and experience a journey of self-love and confidence.

The magic of boudoir photography lies not just in the stunning images but in the stories it tells—the stories of women who refuse to be defined by age, who confidently navigate the concrete jungle with grace, poise, and an undeniable radiance that only grows stronger with time. Embrace the transformative power of boudoir photography, celebrate your ageless allure, and join us at Brooklyn Boudoir Photography in capturing the magic of confidence and empowerment.

Why You Don't Need to Change Your Body Before a Boudoir Session

Gorgeous ladies of Brooklyn! It's time to put aside those self-doubts and embrace your beautiful, authentic selves just as you are. Trust me, you don't need to change a thing before stepping into my Brooklyn Boudoir Photography studio.

Body Postitive Boudoir in New York City

You Are Unique

Ladies, let's kick things off by throwing out those unrealistic beauty standards. Your unique body is a work of art, and it's time to celebrate it. I've photographed women of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds, and let me tell you, every single one has exuded confidence and beauty in their own way. Boudoir is about capturing your spirit and your individuality. Don't let societal pressures dictate how you should look; instead, let that authenticity shine in your photos.

At Brooklyn Boudoir Photography, we believe that beauty comes in all forms, and there is no one-size-fits-all definition of sexy. Whether you're curvy, petite, or somewhere in between, our sessions are tailored to highlight your best features and capture your unique beauty. It's time to let go of the idea that you need to change anything about yourself. Your body is perfect just as it is, and our boudoir sessions are all about celebrating that perfection.

over 40 and fabulous body celebration photoshoot in Brooklyn Studio

Confidence is the Sexiest Outfit

Let me tell you a little secret – confidence is the sexiest outfit you can wear, and it looks amazing on every body type. You don't need to lose weight, tone up, or change a single thing to look and feel incredible in front of the camera. My goal as your boudoir photographer is to create a comfortable and empowering environment where you can let your confidence shine.

I understand that confidence is a journey, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. During our sessions, I'll guide you with poses that accentuate your best features and make you feel amazing. No need to worry about perfection – we celebrate imperfections because they are what make you uniquely beautiful. So, throw on your favorite lingerie, rock that natural hair, and let's capture a series of stunning photographs that you'll cherish forever.


Connection Over Perfection

Forget about trying to achieve the impossible standard of perfection. Boudoir is not about looking flawless; it's about capturing the connection between your body and soul. Instead of stressing over imperfections, let's focus on creating a narrative that reflects your personality and style. My lens is your storyteller, and the story we're telling is all about you.

I want you to look back at your photos and not just see a polished version of yourself but to feel the emotions you experienced during the session. Your body tells a story, and every curve, mark, and scar is a part of that beautiful narrative. It's time to embrace the uniqueness of your story and trust that your boudoir session will capture the raw and authentic beauty that defines you.

Black and White Body Positive Boudoir Session New York City

Boudoir as a Journey of Self-Love

Ladies, let's view your boudoir session as a journey of self-love and self-discovery. Too often, we get caught up in the external expectations of beauty, forgetting that true beauty radiates from within. Boudoir is an opportunity to reconnect with your inner goddess, to fall in love with yourself all over again.

My boudoir studio is a safe space for you to embrace your journey of self-love. Our sessions are designed to empower you, boost your confidence, and leave you with a newfound appreciation for the incredible woman that you are. So, don't wait for the "perfect" moment to book your boudoir session – every moment is perfect when you're celebrating yourself.


Take the Center Stage

Boudoir is a celebration of sensuality, and there's nothing sexier than a woman who embraces her desires. Whether you're doing this session for yourself or a special someone, this is all about feeling comfortable, confident, and unapologetically you. It's not about conforming to someone else's idea of sexy; it's about defining your own.


Book Your Brooklyn Boudoir Session Today!

If you're ready to embrace your authentic beauty and celebrate your uniqueness, it's time to book your boudoir photo session. Let go of the idea that you need to change anything about yourself – you are perfect just as you are. Your boudoir experience is a celebration of you.

Visit our website, check out our portfolio, and let the images speak for themselves. When you're ready to take the plunge, contact us to schedule your personalized session. Don't wait for the "perfect" moment – every moment is perfect when you're embracing your authentic beauty.

What I Learned by Doing My Own Boudoir Shoot in Brooklyn, NY

As an experienced boudoir photographer based in Brooklyn, NY, I have had the honor of capturing the intimate beauty of countless extraordinary women. However, it wasn't until I experienced a boudoir shoot of my own that I truly understood the transformative power of this artistic endeavor. Today, I'm excited to share with you the invaluable lessons I've learned through my personal journey behind the camera lens, and how it can empower and inspire every woman considering a boudoir photoshoot. So, without further ado, let me tell you the incredible discoveries I made along the way!

Rediscovering Your Inner Goddess

During my own boudoir shoot, I experienced a remarkable shift in perspective. Stripping away inhibitions, I stepped into a realm where confidence flourished, and self-doubt faded into the background. It was a powerful moment of rediscovering my inner goddess. As a boudoir photographer, I've witnessed this same transformative effect on countless women. Through my lens, I've witnessed how embracing vulnerability leads to liberation and empowerment. There's an undeniable magic when a woman truly believes in her own beauty and strength. A boudoir shoot becomes a catalyst for unlocking that hidden power within, allowing you to tap into your true essence and celebrate the stunning woman you are.

Embracing Authenticity

In a world filled with unrealistic beauty standards, it's easy to lose sight of our own unique beauty. However, a boudoir shoot provides a safe space to embrace authenticity and redefine what it means to be beautiful. During my personal experience, I learned that true beauty lies in embracing imperfections and celebrating the journey that has shaped us into the remarkable women we are today. As a boudoir photographer, I strive to create an environment that fosters self-acceptance and encourages women to showcase their authentic selves. Whether it's stretch marks, scars, or the curves that make you uniquely you, boudoir photography celebrates every aspect of your being, revealing the breathtaking beauty in vulnerability.

Cultivating Self-Love and Confidence

Through my boudoir shoot, I realized that self-love and confidence are not destinations; they are lifelong journeys. Boudoir photography becomes a pivotal moment in that voyage, allowing you to embrace your body, your story, and your journey with love and acceptance. Each woman has her own narrative, and boudoir photography provides a tangible reminder of the strength, resilience, and beauty within. It's a transformative experience that opens the floodgates of self-confidence, reminding you of your worthiness and igniting a fierce love affair with yourself.

Empowering and Inspiring Others

Having experienced the profound impact of a boudoir shoot firsthand, I've been inspired to empower and uplift other women through my work as a boudoir photographer. Witnessing the joy, tears, and triumphant smiles of my clients as they see themselves through the lens has been nothing short of extraordinary. It's a privilege to create a space where women can shed societal expectations and truly see themselves as the captivating, powerful beings they are. By sharing my own story and encouraging women to embark on their own boudoir journey, I hope to inspire a movement of self-love, acceptance, and celebration in every corner of Brooklyn and beyond.


Experiencing a boudoir shoot is an invitation to explore your true essence, celebrate your unique beauty, and reconnect with your own power. Through my personal experience, I've learned that boudoir photography is not simply about capturing stunning images; it's about embarking on a transformative journey of self-discovery, self-love, and empowerment. As a boudoir photographer in Brooklyn, NY, I invite you to step into a world where you can embrace your authenticity, celebrate your journey, and unlock the goddess within.

If you're ready to venture on your own boudoir journey, I would be honored to guide you through the process. At Brooklyn Boudoir, we specialize in creating a safe and empowering environment where you can feel comfortable, beautiful, and confident. Together, we'll create breathtaking images that capture the essence of who you are, preserving this moment in time as a testament to your strength and beauty.

Don't wait another moment to celebrate the remarkable woman you are. Let's talk today and experience this empowering adventure together. Remember, your beauty deserves to be seen, celebrated, and immortalized in stunning photographs that will forever remind you of the extraordinary woman you are. It's time to step into the spotlight and embrace the transformative power of a boudoir shoot. Let your inner goddess shine!

Starting a Boudoir Photography Business? Here's My Advice.

Are you passionate about photography and have a special eye for capturing the beauty and sensuality of the female form? Then starting a boudoir photography business might be your perfect career choice.

As a professional boudoir photographer myself, I've learned a lot about what it takes to start and run a successful boudoir photography business. In this blog post, I'll share my advice and insights with you, so you can get started on your own journey as a boudoir photographer.

Find Your Niche

The first step in starting any photography business is to identify your niche. Boudoir photography is a unique niche within the photography industry, and it's essential to understand your target audience and what they are looking for in a boudoir photographer.

Are you interested in photographing brides-to-be, women celebrating a milestone or women who are simply looking to capture their beauty? Each of these niches will require different marketing strategies, messaging, and even different styles of photography.

When I first started, I focused on photographing women who were looking to boost their self-confidence or celebrate personal achievements. Once I established a client base, I began to work with brides-to-be and women celebrating their anniversaries. It's essential to know your niche, but don't be afraid to evolve and expand your business as you grow.

Build Your Portfolio

As a boudoir photographer, your portfolio is your calling card. Potential clients will want to see examples of your work before booking a session with you. It's essential to create a boudoir portfolio that showcases your skills and captures the essence of your brand.

When building your portfolio, aim to show a variety of shots that highlight your skills and the range of clients you work with. Don't be afraid to ask your clients if you can use their photos in your portfolio. You can offer them a discount on their session fee or even a free print in exchange for their permission to use their images.

Remember, your portfolio should reflect your brand and the clients you want to attract. If you specialize in boudoir photography for brides-to-be, be sure to include some bridal-themed shots in your portfolio.

Invest in Quality Equipment

Investing in quality equipment is crucial when starting a boudoir photography business. Your camera, lenses, lighting equipment, and editing software are all essential tools that will impact the quality of your final product

While it's not necessary to have the most expensive equipment, investing in quality gear can make a significant difference in the final results. A high-end camera and lenses will allow you to capture sharper, more detailed images, while professional lighting equipment can help you create the perfect atmosphere for your boudoir shoots.

Additionally, investing in editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop can help you perfect your images and ensure that they meet your clients' expectations.

Build Your Brand

Building a strong brand is essential for any business, and boudoir photography is no exception. Your brand should reflect your style of photography, your target audience, and the values that are important to you.

When building your brand, consider your logo, website, social media presence, and marketing materials. Be consistent in your messaging and aesthetics, so that your brand is easily recognizable and memorable.

One of the most effective ways to build your brand is through social media. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are ideal for showcasing your work and reaching potential clients. Post regularly and use relevant hashtags to ensure that your content is seen by the right people.

Final Thoughts

With the right mindset and tools, you can build a successful career doing what you love. As a boudoir photographer, you have the opportunity to empower and inspire women, capture their beauty, and help them see themselves in a new light.

Remember to find your niche, build your portfolio, invest in quality equipment, and build your brand. These are the foundational steps to getting started in the boudoir photography industry.

One last piece of advice: always remember to prioritize the comfort and safety of your clients. As a boudoir photographer, you will be working with women in intimate and vulnerable settings. It's crucial to create a safe and comfortable environment where your clients can relax and feel confident in front of the camera.

Starting a boudoir photography business can be a rewarding and fulfilling career. It takes hard work, dedication, and a passion for capturing the beauty and sensuality of the female form. If you're willing to put in the effort, you can build a successful and thriving boudoir photography business. Good luck on your journey!

6 Expert Tips to Look Confident and Beautiful in Boudoir Photos

As a boudoir photographer, I've seen many women come to me with the desire to capture their sensuality and beauty through boudoir photography. However, many of them struggle to feel confident in front of the camera. The truth is, looking confident in boudoir photos is not about being perfect or having a certain body type, it's about feeling comfortable and embracing your unique beauty. Here are some tips to help you feel confident and look stunning in your boudoir photos.

Wear Something That Makes You Feel Beautiful

When it comes to boudoir photography, what you wear is crucial in helping you feel confident and beautiful. It's important to choose something that not only flatters your body but also makes you feel comfortable and sexy. After all, boudoir photography is all about capturing your unique beauty and sensuality.

When deciding what to wear, consider pieces that make you feel good about yourself. This could be a lacy bra and panty set, a corset, a slip dress, or a silky robe. Whatever it is, make sure it's something that reflects your personality and style. Don't feel pressured to wear something that doesn't feel like you just because it's trendy or what someone else suggests.

Remember, the goal of boudoir photography is to capture your unique beauty, so choose something that makes you feel amazing. If you're struggling to decide what to wear, don't be afraid to ask us for suggestions. We have experience with boudoir photography and can help guide you toward pieces that will look great on camera. Ultimately, wear what makes you feel confident, comfortable, and beautiful, and your boudoir photos will reflect that.

Relax and Have Fun

As a boudoir photographer, I've seen firsthand how a relaxed and fun environment can make all the difference in capturing stunning boudoir photos. When a client comes in feeling nervous or anxious, it can be challenging to get the shots they want. That's why I always try to create a fun and relaxed atmosphere for my clients.

To start, we'll chat a bit to get to know each other better and create a comfortable rapport. During the shoot, I'll play some music that my clients enjoy to create a relaxed and fun vibe. I'll also encourage them to express themselves and let their personalities shine through. Whether it's striking a playful pose or showing off their sexy side, I want my clients to feel comfortable and empowered to express themselves in their own unique way.

Sometimes, a little bit of laughter can go a long way in creating a fun and enjoyable experience. I'll crack jokes or share funny stories to lighten the mood and help my clients feel more at ease. I want them to forget about any insecurities or self-consciousness and just have a good time.

Embrace Your Body and Flaws

Embracing your body and flaws is a vital aspect of feeling confident and beautiful during a boudoir photography session. It can be easy to feel self-conscious about certain parts of your body or imperfections, but it's important to remember that these are what make you unique and beautiful. We can work with you to create poses and angles that flatter your body and highlight your best features. We can also use lighting and editing techniques to enhance the overall look of your photos.

It's essential to focus on your own unique beauty rather than comparing yourself to others. Remember that everyone has different body types, shapes, and sizes, and there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to boudoir photography. Instead, celebrate what makes you different and embrace your individuality.

When you accept yourself for who you are, you'll radiate confidence and beauty in your photos. This positive attitude will come through in your body language and facial expressions, resulting in stunning and empowering images. So, instead of focusing on your flaws, embrace your beauty, and we as your boudoir photographer can capture your unique essence in the most flattering way possible.

Communicate with Your Photographer

Communication is an essential part of any successful boudoir photoshoot. Your photographer is there to help you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, and the best way to ensure that happens is by openly communicating your needs and preferences.

Before your photoshoot, take the time to talk to your photographer about your vision and what you hope to achieve from the photo shoot. Let them know if you have any specific ideas in mind or if there are any particular poses or outfits you'd like to try. This will help your photographer understand your goals and tailor the photo shoot to your needs.

During the shoot, don't be afraid to speak up if you're not comfortable with a certain pose or angle. Your photographer can adjust the lighting or positioning to create a more flattering shot that you're happy with. Additionally, if you're feeling unsure or anxious, let your photographer know. They can help put you at ease and make the experience more enjoyable.

Remember, your photographer wants you to feel beautiful and confident in your photos, so don't hesitate to communicate your needs and preferences throughout the process. With open and honest communication, you can work together to create stunning boudoir photos that you'll cherish for a lifetime.

Practice Your Poses and Expressions

Practicing your poses and expressions is a great way to boost your confidence and prepare for your boudoir photo shoot. There are many resources available online that provide ideas and inspiration for boudoir poses and expressions. You can look up different poses on Pinterest or Instagram, or even watch YouTube videos that demonstrate how to pose for boudoir photography.

Once you have a few poses in mind, try practicing them in front of a mirror or with a friend. This will help you get a sense of how your body moves and looks from different angles. You can also experiment with facial expressions, such as a sultry gaze or a playful smile.

Get Your Hair and Makeup Done Professionally

Getting your hair and makeup done professionally is an excellent way to enhance your natural beauty and ensure that you look your best for your boudoir photo shoot. A professional hair and makeup artist can help create a look that complements your features, skin tone, and personal style, and can also provide expert advice on how to accentuate your best features.

Our hair and makeup artist has experience with creating looks that are both natural and camera-friendly. You may want to browse our boudoir portfolio to see if their style aligns with your vision for your boudoir photos.

By following these tips, you'll be able to look and feel confident, beautiful, and empowered during your boudoir photography session. Remember, the most important thing is to embrace your unique beauty and have fun with the experience. Your photographer is there to help you every step of the way, and with a little preparation and a positive attitude, you'll have stunning boudoir photos that you'll cherish for a lifetime.

3 Ways to Get Over Being Camera Shy for Boudoir Photography

Hey gorgeous! If you're reading this, it's likely that you're interested in boudoir photography but are feeling a little camera-shy. Don't worry, it's completely normal to feel nervous about being in front of the camera. As a boudoir photographer, I work with women of all ages and understand how intimidating it can be to bare it all. That's why I'm here to share with you 3 ways to get over being camera shy so you can feel confident and beautiful during your boudoir session.


Embrace Your Uniqueness

It's natural to compare ourselves to others, especially with the rise of social media and the constant bombardment of images of seemingly "perfect" bodies. However, it's important to remember that these images are often heavily edited and airbrushed, and even the models themselves don't always look like that in real life. We all have imperfections, and that's what makes us unique and beautiful.

When it comes to boudoir photography, it's important to remember that the images are meant to celebrate your individuality and showcase your beauty, not conform to society's standards of what is considered "perfect". Embracing your uniqueness and celebrating your body can be a transformative experience that can boost your self-confidence and help you see yourself in a new light.

During your session, I'll work with you to highlight your best features and create images that show off your unique beauty. Whether it's your curves, your smile, or your personality, we'll work together to create images that reflect who you are and make you feel glamorous.

It's also important to remember that boudoir photography is not just for a certain body type or age range. Every woman deserves to feel beautiful and confident in her own skin, regardless of her size, shape, or age. Whether you're curvy or petite, tall or short, boudoir photography is for you.


Practice Makes Perfect

Practicing in front of the camera can be a great way to build your confidence and get comfortable with your body. When you're just starting out, it can be helpful to take some test shots at home or with a friend. This way, you can experiment with different poses and facial expressions in a low-pressure environment.

When practicing, it's important to relax and have fun with it. Remember, you don't have to be a professional model to look great on camera. Try to focus on finding poses that feel comfortable and natural to you, and don't be afraid to experiment with different angles and expressions.

I'll guide you through different poses and expressions to create a variety of stunning images. I'll also be there to help you feel comfortable and confident throughout the shoot. Whether you're feeling nervous or excited, we'll create images that showcase your unique beauty and make you feel empowered.

In addition to practicing your poses, it can also be helpful to practice your facial expressions. Your face is one of the most expressive parts of your body and can convey a wide range of emotions in a photograph. Try practicing different expressions in the mirror, such as a soft smile or a sultry gaze, to see what looks best on you.

I'll work with you to create images that showcase your personality and capture your unique beauty. Whether you want to look playful, sensual, or empowered, we'll create images that reflect your individual style and personality.

Editorial Boudoir Brooklyn New York

Do a Private Photo Shoot

If you're still feeling camera shy, a private photo shoot can be an excellent option to consider. This type of shoot is designed to be personalized and catered to your unique needs and preferences, allowing you to take your time and experiment with different poses and outfits until you feel completely comfortable and confident.

During a private photo shoot, you'll have the opportunity to work one-on-one with me. We'll start by discussing your vision for the shoot, including any specific poses or styles you're interested in. From there, we'll create a customized plan that's tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

One of the biggest benefits of a private photo shoot is that you'll have the space and time to experiment and get creative. Without any distractions or outside pressure, you can focus solely on creating gorgeous images. You can try out different poses, facial expressions, and outfits until you find what works best for you.

During the shoot, I'll be there to guide you every step of the way. I'll help you find poses that flatter your body and highlight your best features and offer tips and suggestions for getting the most out of your boudoir shoot. You can trust that I'll work closely with you to create images that make you feel empowered and confident.

Not only is a private photo shoot a great way to get over being camera shy, but it's also a fun and empowering experience. You'll leave feeling more confident and self-assured than ever before, with a collection of stunning images that showcase your unique beauty and personality.

Casual Bridal Boudoir in New York

In conclusion, being camera shy is completely normal, but it doesn't have to hold you back from experiencing the beauty and confidence that comes with boudoir photography. By embracing your uniqueness, practicing your posing, and considering a private photo shoot, you can overcome your camera shyness and feel like the confident, beautiful woman that you are.

If you're interested in learning more about boudoir photography or scheduling a session, feel free to contact me. I'd love to help you create images that make you feel confident and beautiful, inside and out.

Should I Lose Weight Prior to My Boudoir Shoot?

Hey there, lovely ladies! Today, we're diving into one of the most common questions I get from my clients: "Should I lose weight before my boudoir shoot?" And my answer is a resounding NO. In fact, I'm here to share why you should embrace the opportunity to capture your beauty right now, without any reservations.

Seize the Moment

You've probably heard the Latin phrase "Carpe Diem" – seize the day. Well, that's exactly the approach I encourage all my clients to take. Why? Because life is happening right now, not tomorrow, not next year, but today. Boudoir photography is all about celebrating your unique beauty, and it doesn't depend on your dress size. Waiting to lose weight means missing out on the chance to document this moment in your life. In the future, you'll look back on these images with kinder eyes and see the beauty that existed within you all along.

Think about it – do you really want to delay celebrating your body? Don't put your happiness and self-confidence on hold because of a number on a scale. Instead, embrace your body as it is today, and trust me, you'll be amazed at the self-assured, radiant woman you'll see in those boudoir photos.

There's Never a Perfect Time

Let's be honest, there's never a "perfect" time to do a boudoir shoot. Life is full of ups and downs, and it's easy to find excuses to postpone. You might think, "I'll do it after I lose 10 pounds" or "Once I get in shape, I'll book my shoot." But the reality is, there will always be something that stands in your way – a busy schedule, family commitments, work stress, or even more weight loss goals. The truth is, the perfect moment is now.

I've seen countless clients who initially hesitated, waiting for that elusive perfect time, only to realize that life keeps moving forward. Your journey to self-love and self-acceptance doesn't start with achieving a specific weight or shape. It begins when you choose to love yourself, embrace your imperfections, and celebrate your uniqueness. So don't let procrastination hold you back. Instead, seize the opportunity to capture your beauty today, exactly as you are.

You Can Do It Multiple Times!

Here's another exciting reason why you shouldn't wait to lose weight before your boudoir shoot: you can do it multiple times! Boudoir photography isn't a one-and-done experience; it's an ongoing journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Once you experience the joy and confidence that comes from your first shoot, you'll want to do it again and again.

I've had clients who couldn't get enough of the boudoir experience, returning for multiple sessions as they embraced different stages of their lives. Whether you're planning to start a fitness journey, preparing for a wedding, celebrating a milestone, or simply feeling the urge to celebrate your beauty, there's always a reason to step in front of the camera.

Each session tells a unique story of your life, your growth, and your self-love journey. So, rather than delaying the inevitable, book that boudoir shoot and start capturing the beautiful chapters of your life, one unforgettable image at a time.

You Are Beautiful as You Are

In conclusion, the message I want to convey is simple: don't wait to lose weight before your boudoir shoot. Embrace the present, seize the opportunity, and capture your unique beauty just as you are. Remember, life is happening now, and each moment is worth celebrating. You don't need to be a certain dress size to be beautiful; you are beautiful as you are.

If you're ready to take the plunge and experience the magic of boudoir photography in Brooklyn, New York, I'm here to make your dream a reality. At Brooklyn Boudoir Photography, we specialize in capturing your authentic self, celebrating your beauty, and empowering you to feel confident in your own skin.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your boudoir session today and embark on a journey of self-love and empowerment. Your body, just as it is now, is a work of art waiting to be revealed. Carpe Diem, ladies, seize the moment and let's create some breathtaking boudoir memories together.

Why You're Never Too Old for a Boudoir Shoot

Fabulous ladies of Brooklyn and beyond! I'm Stephanie, your go-to award-winning professional boudoir photographer, and I've got a burning question to address today: "Am I Too Old for a Boudoir Shoot?" The answer, my dear, is a resounding NO! Whether you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond, boudoir photography is all about celebrating your timeless allure, embracing your confidence, and showcasing your unique beauty. So, let's explore why age is just a number when it comes to capturing your inner and outer radiance.

Boudoir Over 40 Brooklyn New York

Age Is Just a Number

Ladies, let's debunk the myth that boudoir photography is reserved for the younger crowd. Your age brings character, wisdom, and life experiences that shine through in every shot. Boudoir photography isn't about conforming to societal beauty standards; it's about proudly showing your individuality and feeling like the fierce, radiant goddess that you are. It could be just a milestone birthday or a celebration of your golden years, there's never a wrong time to celebrate yourself.

Think about it this way: every laugh line tells a story, every gray hair represents the wisdom you've gained, and every scar is a testament to your resilience. These are not imperfections; they're the unique features that make you who you are. I've had the privilege of photographing women from their 40s to their 70s, and I can tell you that the confidence and beauty that radiate from older women during a boudoir session are absolutely breathtaking.

over 40 and fabulous body celebration photoshoot in Brooklyn Studio

A Boost of Confidence

One of the most incredible aspects of boudoir photography is the incredible boost of confidence it offers. Aging gracefully doesn't mean shying away from the camera – it means embracing your age and celebrating your journey. A boudoir shoot is a chance to see yourself through a new lens, to rediscover your sensuality, and to revel in the power of self-love. The transformation that takes place during a session is simply magical; you'll walk away with a newfound sense of self-assurance that you never experienced before.

Expert Guidance

Worried about how to pose or what to wear? Fear not, lovely ladies, for my team and I at Brooklyn Boudoir Photography have your back. We specialize in working with women of all ages and backgrounds, offering expert guidance every step of the way. We understand the unique beauty and style that each stage of life brings, and we're here to help you choose outfits and poses that accentuate your best features while making you feel comfortable and confident.

My years of experience working with older women have given me insight into how to capture your essence flawlessly. We'll discuss your vision and preferences, offering suggestions based on what will work best for you. My goal is to ensure you not only look your best but also feel your best during your boudoir session. So, rest assured, you're in capable hands, and I'll make your experience as enjoyable and empowering as possible.

50th birthday celebration

A Celebration of Milestones

As we journey through life, we often reach significant milestones – anniversaries, graduations, retirements, or simply personal achievements. What better way to commemorate these moments than with a boudoir shoot? It's a fantastic way to mark the passage of time and celebrate your life's journey. You'll look back on these images with a sense of pride and nostalgia, treasuring them for years to come.

The Timeless Beauty of Your Story

Your life is a story, filled with chapters, twists, and turns. Boudoir photography captures a moment in that story, a moment of strength, grace, and beauty. The photos become a tangible reminder of the incredible journey you've been on. So, when you're wondering if you're too old for a boudoir shoot, remember that you're never too old to tell your story through timeless and tasteful images.

Embrace Your Unique Beauty

Let's face it, ladies – we are all beautifully unique. Your laugh lines, your graceful silver streaks, and the wisdom etched into your features tell a story of a life well-lived. Boudoir photography highlights these distinctive qualities, making them a part of your allure. When you embrace your unique beauty, you radiate confidence, and that confidence is what truly makes you ageless. The truth is, no one else in the world looks exactly like you. Your quirks, your imperfections, and your individuality are what make you stand out, and boudoir photography accentuates these qualities. The camera captures the real you, not a retouched version of beauty. 

40 and fabulous boudoir shoot Brooklyn

A Truly Empowering Experience

Having photographed countless women of all ages, I can attest to the transformative power of a boudoir session. It's more than just a photoshoot; it's an experience that empowers you to embrace your sensuality and individuality. You'll leave the session feeling like you've conquered the world, with a newfound appreciation for your body and spirit. It's an awakening, a moment when you realize that beauty is not confined to youth – it's a state of mind and an attitude. This empowerment extends far beyond the studio; it seeps into your daily life, inspiring you to embrace every aspect of who you are.

Join the Ageless Movement

So, here's the bottom line, my fabulous ladies: you are never, ever too old for a boudoir shoot. In fact, the older you are, the more wisdom, experience, and confidence you bring to the camera. At Brooklyn Boudoir Photography, we're passionate about celebrating the beauty in every woman, at every age. So, don't let age hold you back from experiencing the empowering, confidence-boosting, and liberating world of boudoir photography.

Ready to Embrace Your Ageless Beauty? Book Your Session Today!

Now that we've shattered the myth that age is a barrier to boudoir photography, I invite you to take the plunge and book your session with us at Brooklyn Boudoir Photography. It's time to celebrate yourself, your journey, and your timeless allure. I am here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you feel comfortable and empowered throughout the entire experience.

So, why wait? Let's capture your ageless beauty and create stunning images that you'll cherish forever. Contact us today to schedule your boudoir shoot and join the ageless movement of women celebrating their unique beauty at every stage of life.

10 Photographer Tips to Take More Flattering Photos

Today, I'm thrilled to share with you ten game-changing tips that will take your boudoir photos to a whole new level of beauty and confidence. Whether you're preparing for a professional shoot or simply want to rock your selfies, these tips are tailor-made to make you shine like the star you are. So, get ready to discover the secrets that will make you feel like a model every time you strike a pose. 

Find the Light: Illuminating Your Beauty

One of the most important aspects of photography is light. To capture flattering photos, position yourself facing the light source. However, be cautious of bright direct sunlight, as it can cast unflattering shadows. Instead, look for open shade or soft diffused light. You can even experiment with shooting with the sun behind you to create a beautiful glow.

Learn Your Angles: Embrace Your Best Side

Take control of your angles and discover your most flattering poses. Capture photos of yourself from different perspectives - higher up, lower down, and at a neutral eye level. Turn your face to the right, center, and left. If you're unsure which side is your better angle, try posing with the side that your hair naturally opens. This is often the most flattering side and can enhance your features, creating a stunning look in your photographs.

If It Bends, Bend It: Emulating the Celebrities

Have you ever noticed how celebrities always strike flattering poses? Well, here's their secret: they bend their knees, elbows, hands, and even tilt their heads. Embrace this technique and add some fluidity to your poses. By bending and positioning your body gracefully, you'll exude elegance and capture stunning shots.

Stretch the Neck: Accentuating Your Jawline

For a defined and elegant jawline, let's dive a little deeper into the technique. Begin by turning your face to the side, allowing the light to caress your features in all the right ways. Now, imagine a subtle yet powerful movement – gently push your chin slightly forward, elongating the neck, and then gracefully guide it downward. Feel the activation of your neck muscles as they respond to this simple yet impactful adjustment.

By incorporating this quick movement into your poses, you'll witness a remarkable transformation in your jawline. The stretching of the neck not only adds a touch of sophistication and poise but also accentuates the contours of your face, sculpting a more defined and flattering appearance.

Look Down, Then Look Up: Natural and Blink-Free

Avoid blinks and squints by adopting a simple yet effective trick. Just before the camera clicks, look down and then look up. This action relaxes your eyes and helps you maintain a natural and engaging expression. The result? Blink-free, radiant eyes that captivate viewers.

Mind the Distance: Creating the Illusion

Remember that what is closer to the camera appears larger. Use this knowledge to your advantage while posing. If you want to create the illusion of a smaller tush, subtly push it away from the camera. On the other hand, if you want to emphasize a particular feature, bring it closer to the lens. Mastering this technique will allow you to control the visual proportions in your photos.

Think of Something: Portraying Emotion

Great photographs are not just about striking poses; they also capture emotions. Before the shoot, think about a specific feeling or concept you'd like to convey. Whether it's love, confidence, or even a hint of mystery, having an underlying emotion will translate beautifully into your photos. Let your thoughts shine through your eyes and body language, adding depth and intrigue to your images.

Move and Flow: Embracing Naturalness

To achieve more natural and relaxed shots, incorporate movement into your poses. While not every movement will look great, gentle swaying or subtle shifts back and forth can help loosen you up and add a bit of dynamism. Embrace the freedom of movement, and watch your photos come alive with a genuine and effortless vibe.

Express with Hands: Graceful Gestures

Our hands play a significant role in how we express ourselves. While posing, be mindful of your hand placement. Aim for graceful gestures that complement your overall pose and facial expression. Experiment with soft touches, delicate placements, or even lightly running your fingers through your hair. Expressive hands can add an extra layer of elegance and sophistication to your boudoir photos.

Experiment with Different Outfits and Accessories

Your clothing choices and accessories can have a significant impact on how flattering your photos turn out. Experiment with different styles, colors, and textures to see what works best for you. Don't be afraid to mix and match and try out new combinations. Sometimes a small change, like adding a scarf or a hat, can completely transform the look and feel of your boudoir photos. So, have fun with your wardrobe and let your creativity run wild!

You've just discovered ten incredible tips that will make you look and feel your best in every photograph. Whether you're planning a boudoir shoot or just want to capture your unique beauty in everyday snapshots, these techniques will have you feeling confident, sexy, and empowered. Remember, you don't have to be a model to rock a stunning photo. You are beautiful just the way you are, and these tips will help you showcase your best features in a way that's authentic and captivating. So, go out there and own that camera, because you deserve to have a gallery full of breathtaking images that make you feel like the goddess you are. Ready to take the first step? Contact me today, and let's create some magic together!

Unexpected Items to Wear for Your Boudoir Shoot

If you're seeking a boudoir shoot that's far from ordinary, get ready to dive into the world of unexpected fashion choices that will take your boudoir experience to a whole new level. Break the mold, challenge norms, and celebrate your individuality with these surprising items that can transform your boudoir session into an extraordinary affair. So, let's explore these unexpected items to wear for your boudoir shoot!

Winter Coat: Ignite the Fire Within

Who says a winter coat is only meant to keep you warm? Picture this: a luxurious, fur-lined coat draped over your bare shoulders, hinting at the tantalizing secrets that lie beneath. The juxtaposition of the cozy fabric against your sensual ensemble creates an aura of mystery and allure. The unexpected combination of warmth and seduction will undoubtedly add a touch of drama to your boudoir shoot.

Not only does a winter coat exude elegance, but it also allows you to play with different textures and colors, creating a visually stunning contrast against your skin. Opt for a statement piece like a rich velvet or a plush faux fur coat to add a touch of opulence to your boudoir experience. The soft, tactile sensation of the coat against your body will ignite your senses and leave you feeling utterly glamorous.

Shapewear: Sculpt and Showcase Your Curves

Shapewear isn't just for tummy control anymore; it can be a secret weapon to enhance your natural curves during a boudoir shoot. Slip into a lacy corset or a sleek bodysuit that sculpts your figure, accentuating your curves in all the right places. The firm embrace of shapewear can boost your confidence, making you feel like a queen ready to conquer the world—or rather, the boudoir!

With advancements in shapewear design, you no longer have to sacrifice comfort for style. Choose pieces that are crafted with breathable fabrics and offer seamless construction, ensuring a flawless silhouette without any discomfort. Whether you want to create an hourglass shape, emphasize your assets, or simply feel supported and confident, shapewear allows you to take control of your boudoir shoot and embrace your unique beauty.

Sneakers: Embrace Comfortable Elegance

Glamorous heels have always been the go-to choice for boudoir shoots, but why not step into unexpected territory? Lace-up a pair of stylish sneakers that perfectly reflect your personality. These kicks not only provide unparalleled comfort but also add an edgy and playful vibe to your boudoir ensemble. Channel your inner urban goddess as you strut your stuff with confidence and grace.

By incorporating sneakers into your boudoir shoot, you're breaking free from the traditional notions of femininity and embracing a more relaxed and contemporary style. Play with contrasting elements by pairing sneakers with delicate lingerie or a flowy robe. The contrast of sporty footwear against the softness of your ensemble creates a visual dynamic that speaks volumes about your unique fashion sensibilities.

Swimsuit: Dive into Sensuality

Who says swimsuits are reserved for beach days alone? Embrace your inner mermaid and make a splash in a stunning swimsuit for your boudoir shoot. The sensuous lines of a one-piece or the flirtatious allure of a bikini can add an element of surprise and excitement to your intimate portraits. Allow the water-inspired ensemble to ignite a sense of freedom and confidence while showcasing your gorgeous figure in a new light.

A swimsuit brings a refreshing and unconventional element to your boudoir shoot, allowing you to explore different styles and cuts that flatter your body shape. Opt for a swimsuit with intricate details like lace, cutouts, or embellishments to add a touch of luxury. The sleek fabric of the swimsuit accentuates your curves and evokes a sense of confidence and empowerment. So, dive into sensuality, and let your inner siren take center stage.

Hat: Crown Yourself with Charisma

Ladies, it's time to top things off! Add a hat to your boudoir ensemble for a touch of old-world charm and mystique. Whether it's a wide-brimmed hat, a playful beret, or a seductive fedora, these head-turning accessories can elevate your shoot with flair. The hat not only frames your face but also acts as a symbol of empowerment, exuding confidence and intriguing the viewer's attention.

A hat instantly adds personality and character to your boudoir shoot. Choose a hat that complements your outfit and amplifies your unique style. Experiment with different angles and poses to showcase the hat's allure. Tilt it to the side for a coquettish look or wear it straight and proud for a touch of sophistication. Whatever style you choose, the hat becomes an extension of your charm, drawing the viewer's gaze and adding a glamorous element to your boudoir portraits.

Activewear: Athletic Elegance

Break free from traditional lingerie and embrace the fusion of comfort and style with activewear. Don a chic sports bra, sleek leggings, or a trendy crop top for a boudoir shoot that celebrates your active lifestyle and showcases your strength and determination. The sporty attire adds an unexpected twist, capturing the essence of a modern, empowered woman who is unafraid to push boundaries and redefine beauty.

Activewear allows you to showcase your sculpted physique, highlighting the hard work and dedication you've put into your fitness journey. Choose pieces that accentuate your best features and reflect your personal style. The sleek lines, vibrant colors, and breathable activewear fabrics lend a contemporary and energetic feel to your boudoir shoot. As you strike powerful poses, let the world see the embodiment of confidence and elegance that comes with embracing your athletic side.

Ballet Skirt: Grace and Poise

Unleash your inner ballerina and indulge in the ethereal beauty of a ballet skirt. The delicate layers of tulle gracefully cascade around you, embodying elegance and femininity. As you twirl and pose, the ballet skirt will create a whimsical ambiance, transforming your boudoir shoot into a fairytale-like experience. Let the magic and charm of this unexpected choice, and allow your fantasies to come to life.

A ballet skirt adds a touch of grace and softness to your boudoir shoot. Opt for a skirt with multiple layers for a voluminous effect, or choose a shorter length to showcase your legs. Pair it with a delicate bralette or a romantic lace top to create a dreamy and ethereal look. The ballet skirt captures movement and invites storytelling, creating a visual narrative that intertwines sensuality with elegance. Allow yourself to be transported to a world of enchantment and let the ballet skirt become the centerpiece of your boudoir fairytale.


It's time to step outside the box and let your imagination run wild. Your boudoir shoot is an opportunity to showcase your unique style and celebrate the beautiful individual you are. By incorporating unexpected items, you'll infuse your session with excitement and create memories that defy conventions.

Embrace the unexpected, own your sensuality, and let your confidence shine through. Remember, your boudoir shoot is a reflection of your inner beauty, strength, and individuality. Let your personality radiate, and watch as these unexpected items take your boudoir experience to extraordinary heights. Get ready to capture stunning images that tell your story in a way that's uniquely you!

72 Hours in Paris with Brooklyn Boudoir + Sugar Cookies!

Paris is always a good idea.

Fall in love with yourself. In Paris.

Visualize Paris in the Spring - the smell of baguettes and coffee in the streets, a cool nip in the air, the trees just starting to bloom again, the Eiffel Tower standing before you…

Envision yourself sipping champagne at a private lingerie fitting in the lingerie capital of the world, with the help of New York City’s premiere lingerie experts by your side…

Imagine a Brooklyn Boudoir photoshoot, but with Paris as your backdrop, feeling your confidence, the beauty within you, and living life to it’s fullest…

Then consider what it might be like to bring that same self-love, glamour and confidence back to your everyday life.

Brooklyn Boudoir and Sugar Cookies are teaming up again to make this dream happen!

* Join us for 72 hours in Paris! *

Enjoy private lingerie fittings, shopping, a dinner cruise down the Seine, as well as TWO photoshoots: one dressed to the nines at the Eiffel Tower and one… well, less dressed in luxe lingerie for a private boudoir shoot at a stunning Parisian apartment (with balcony and Eiffel Tower views of course!!)

We’ll explore art museums, drink coffee by day and champagne by night, and top it all off with an evening at the Moulin Rouge.

Why Paris?

A boudoir shoot in Paris has been my very own “dream shoot” since I first learned about Boudoir photography. Boudoir and Paris go hand in hand, as does Paris and luxe lingerie. The experts at Sugar Cookies actually specialize in French lingerie! This collaboration has been a match made in heaven from the start.

Our 2023 boudoir retreat in NYC was a dream come true, and we are excited to take the experience worldwide, starting with the City of Light. We will be keeping the group small and intimate to ensure the same attention to detail and customer service our clients are accustomed to.

Event Details

March 14 - 16, 2024

  • Boudoir Photoshoot at a classic Parisian Apartment with balcony views of the Eiffel Tower

  • Individual + Group Photoshoot at the Eiffel Tower

  • Welcome cocktail party at a chic Parisian apartment

  • Evening Dinner Cruise down the Seine River

  • Luxury shopping in NYC and Paris

  • Expert Lingerie Styling and Fittings

  • Private museum tour

  • An unforgettable evening at the Moulin Rouge

  • Endless champagne

  • And a few more surprises along the way


$3800 Special Pricing through Valentine’s Day

* Ticket does not include flight transportation, accommodations, or meals, except for Seine dinner cruise and Crazy Horse*

5 Simple Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Boudoir Photoshoot | Best Boudoir Photography

Are you considering a boudoir photoshoot in New York? Great! This type of photo shoot is my absolute favorite and has become increasingly popular over the years, and with good reason. There are so many benefits to having boudoir photographs taken: they can be used as a form of self-expression, they can be a great way to boost your self-confidence, and they can make for a fun, unique experience.

But before you dive in, it’s a good idea to know what to expect and how to get the most out of your session. We’ve compiled 5 simple tips to help you get the most out of your boudoir photoshoot.

Introduction to Boudoir Photography

Boudoir photography is a type of photography that focuses on capturing intimate and sensual moments, usually in a bedroom or private setting. It’s a fun way to capture yourself in a beautiful, flattering light by a professional photographer. Boudoir photography aims to create images that show off your unique personality and style in a sexy or sensual way. It is often used to celebrate milestones like an engagement, anniversary, or wedding and be used as a gift for a partner for a special occasion. My clients often have a boudoir shoot for themselves, just because!

Benefits of a Boudoir Photoshoot

It’s a great way to document a special moment in your life or to commemorate an important milestone. It can also be a fun experience to share with a partner. On a more personal level, a boudoir photoshoot can be a great way to boost your self-confidence and body image. The photos can be a reminder of how beautiful and strong you are, and can be a great source of inspiration.

Another great benefit of boudoir photography is that it can be a great way to experiment with your style and explore different sides of your personality. You can try out different poses and clothing to create images that are uniquely you.

What to Expect During a Boudoir Photoshoot

When you’re preparing for a boudoir photoshoot, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed. Bring a friend or partner if you feel more comfortable with someone else in the room. Keep in mind that at Brooklyn Boudoir, we are a womxn only space.

It’s also a good idea to prepare a few items that you can use to add interest and personality to your photos. This can include jewelry, accessories, props, and clothing. I will send you a prep guide after you are officially booked with tons of ideas of how to prepare for your shoot - what to bring, dos and don’t, beauty prep ideas and much more.

Finally, make sure to communicate openly with your boudoir photographer. Let them know what type of photos you’re looking for and your expectations. It’s important that with photography this intimate that you and your photographer are on the same page. A great photographer will be able to help you create the images you’re looking for.

5 Simple Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Boudoir Photoshoot

Now that you know what to expect during a boudoir photoshoot, let’s take a look at 5 simple tips to help you get the most out of your session.

Tip 1: Wear Something You Feel Comfortable In

The most important part of a boudoir photoshoot is feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin. Choose clothing that you feel comfortable wearing. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try out different looks, but in general I feel that women look their best when they look and feel like themselves. No need for costumes or for wearing something you think you “should” wear. Not a high heels wearer? No problem! Bare feet look intimate, natural and sexy. More comfortable in a tank top than a a garter belt? Let’s go for that. There are no rules, except to feel like your best, most authentic self.

If you’re feeling self-conscious about showing too much skin, you can always add layers or accessories like jewelry. It’s all about finding the look that makes you feel the most confident and beautiful. You can be entirely covered up and still be sexy AF.

Tip 2: Bring Something Meaningful That Reflects Your Personality

While I don’t endorse using props in your photoshoot, wearing a piece of statement Jewlery or another meaningful accessory can add a personal touch to your photos. Engagement rings and wedding rings of course are great to feature, your wedding veil, even your wedding overskirt looks amazing on camera. A client recently brought in sentimental bracelets that she got for big life events, such as the birth of her kids. You’ll never regret capturing something special and meaningful to you.

Tip 3: Consider the types of photos you are attracted to.

A boudoir photoshoot is a great way to capture special moments in your life, so I ask you to consider what you are attracted to in this moment of your life. Do you like images that are light, soft and airy, or darker and moodier? Do you like images that are more “lifestyle” with beds and furniture, or more editorial shots using a backdrop? What level of “edge” are you hoping for? Do you prefer your face to be in the images, or are you looking for something more anonymous? These are all important to take into account.

A good photographer won’t expect you to know exactly what you are looking for, and will guide you through some questions and exercises to help get a better sense of your style. Creating a Pinterest board of photos you like is a great place to start.

Tip 4: Have Fun and Relax

It’s important to remember to have fun and relax during your boudoir photoshoot. Take the time to enjoy the experience and don’t be afraid to laugh or be silly. This is a great way to capture genuine emotion and create beautiful, natural photos.

Your photographer will be able to help you feel comfortable and guide you through the session. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or let them know if something doesn’t feel right. A professional photographer will always respect your comfort zones.

Tip 5: Connect With Your Photographer

Finally, it’s important to connect with your photographer. Boudoir photos are all about capturing genuine emotion and connection. Of course, you want to find someone whose style speaks to you. but also take the time to get to know your photographer and let them get to know you. A photograph is as much about the relationship between the photographer and client as anything else. Talk about your expectations and let them know what type of photos you’re looking for. A good photographer will be able to help you relax and create beautiful, natural photos. You may also want to find someone in the same stage of life as you are. For example, if you are over 50, you may not feel the most comfortable with a photographer in their 20s. Whoever you decide to use, remember, connection is key.

Finding a Boudoir Photographer in New York

Are you looking for a boudoir photographer in New York? There are many talented photographers in the area who specialize in boudoir photography. When choosing a photographer, make sure to look at their portfolio and find one who’s style matches your vision. You can also simply do an online search for photographers local to New York City.

It’s also a good idea to read reviews and ask for references. A good photographer will be able to help you create beautiful, natural photos that reflect your unique personality and style.

Boudoir photography is a great way to capture a special moment in your life and boost your self-confidence. Before your photoshoot, it’s a good idea to know what to expect and how to get the most out of the experience.

If you’re looking for a boudoir photographer in New York, make sure to do your research and find one whose style matches your vision. With the right photographer, you’ll be able to create beautiful photos that reflect your unique personality and style.

So don’t be afraid to take the plunge and book your boudoir photoshoot today. With these tips, you’ll be sure to get the most out of the experience and create beautiful, natural photos that you’ll cherish for years to come.

Questions about your shoot? Feel free to reach out and ask - I’m here to help!

Seeing Your True Self on Valentine's Day | The Brooklyn Boudoir Experience | New York City Photographer

woman side portrait - your true self on valentine's day

This one right here….THIS ONE had me crying and goosebumping and rejoicing in this path of work I’ve chosen for myself.

From the first time she emailed me, we just clicked. It was an instant connection. She even asked me if she should dye her hair before her shoot (funnily enough I had recommended NOT too… I don’t want women to hate a new hairstyle and have that put a damper on her entire image collection…but BOY was I wrong in this case!!). That hair is FIRE. I couldn’t believe it when she told me her whole life she had rocked long brown curly hair! This platinum crop just fit her so perfectly, made her beautiful Columbian skin glow … I can’t imagine her any other way. Even she said the new haircut made her feel most like herself. But… I digress.

At Brooklyn Boudoir, I try to impress upon women that this experience is about YOU. Sure, you may want to gift it to a loved one, but ultimately, and most importantly it’s a gift to yourself, from yourself. It is so important to celebrate yourself, as a woman, through a proper photo shoot experience. And happily this mindset seems to be catching on with my fellow boudoir photographers. While I’m happy to help you find a unique and fun valentines day / wedding / birthday gift, my goal is to give you the opportunity to love yourself, and to feel liberated, strong and powerful. I know that your images will forever be there to serve the woman in them and remind them of that stage in their life. 

This stunning client came to me with just this idea. She was a pivotal point in her life and was in need of a reminder of the strong and special woman she is. And let me tell you: she is incredible. Our chemistry completely comes though in these images - check out the bathtub images at the bottom of this post. This was completely her idea and captured in 5 minutes at the very end of the session. MAGIC! I am so grateful to have documented this exact place in life that she is in.  

In her words:

My experience with Stephanie/Brooklyn Boudoir has been one of the BEST experiences of MY LIFE. Beyond just being insanely talented, Stephanie provides an environment where you can not only be your True Self, but be vulnerable and sexy, in a safe and nurturing space. Allowing you to see your True Self like never before.

You have to truly be ready and WANT the experience. Want to feel sexy and pampered. Knowing that you DESERVE THIS. This experience is absolutely a Gift.

And with that, I’m covered with goosebumps. This is what it’s all about. It’s about opening eyes, gaining self love, shifting perspectives, and recognizing how incredible YOU are. Thank you SO much, L, for your kindness, your beautiful words, and most importantly for trusting me to give you this experience and these finished products. I’m over-the-moon that you have the most exquisite collection of images to treasure forever and can not wait to see them displayed up on your wall.


XOXO, Stephanie

Ready to see YOUR true self and gift YOURSELF a Valentine? Contact me and let’s chat!

Common Myths about Boudoir Photography | New York Boudoir Studio

woman sitting in chair - Boudoir photography myths

woman sitting in chair - Boudoir photography myths

Recently, several of my clients have expressed that before finding my website, that they didn’t think a boudoir shoot was for them. The reasons why varied from thinking it was a cheesy thing to do, to feeling like they needed a special occasion to use their boudoir as album as a gift. These are 2 of the most common misconceptions about boudoir, but there are so many others! So today’s blog post explores some other misconceptions surrounding boudoir photography.

woman sitting on floor - Boudoir photography myths
  1. Boudoir Photography is inherently cheesy.

    I’ll be honest - there IS a lot of cheesy boudoir photography out there.  A lot of boudoir photography of the past bordered on “glamour shots” done in a mall, and some of it remains that way… but it need not be that way! At Brooklyn Boudoir, there are no trendy instagram-like filters or dated treatments added to your images. I shoot a lot of black and white, use shallow depth of field and keep the overall look classic and classy. I want you to look and feel like yourself on your best day, not like someone else or as if you are in costume. Years from now, when you look back on these photos, I want them to stand the test of time, as opposed to you wondering “what was I thinking?? (like I do when I remember my overly plucked eyebrows of the late ‘90s) If playing dress-up is what you are after, by all means, get it, girl! That’s just not what I do. There are a wide range of styles out there so it’s important you do your research and find a photographer who’s style is line with yours. To me, timeless, elegance is what it’s all about.

  2. I need to lose weight before my boudoir session.

    Just NO. No, you don't. Let me give you permission to celebrate who you are RIGHT NOW.  You can do a session today, and then again (and again!). It’s actually great fun to see your progress through the years. There is beauty in milestones… and no one can define what a “milestone” is for you. You can and should celebrate your life every time you decide to. About to try for a baby? Pregnant? Recently had a baby? Turing 43? Survived homeschooling and COVID quarantine? It’s ALL reason to celebrate. Still think you’re too overweight? Well, I challenge you ask yourself, compared to what standard? Personal story: I thought I was “too curvy” at 110 pounds in high school - how crazy is that?! I look back at myself at that time and WISH I had appreciated my body. And appreciated my body at 26, AND appreciated m body at 35. Now at 41, I’m nowhere near 110 pounds, barely in shape given the way 2020 has gone and yet I’m thankful to my body for all it’s done for me. Also remember, a professional boudoir photographer will know how to light, pose and dress you to compliment your current physique and all the curves that go with it. That’s why so many of my clients explain, “I can’t believe that’s ME” at their reveal. I can help you see yourself in a different, more forgiving, and more accurate (!) light than you can see yourself. Let me help you shatter your negative self-talk and help you create new, positive feelings about your body and yourself. The time for that, is NOW.

  3. I’m too old to do a boudoir session.  

    Right after thinking you’re not fit enough for a boudoir shoot is thinking you are not young enough for one. Excuse while I cough and say: Bullsh*t. Are you too old to feel special? Appreciated? Beautiful? I would love for all women to embrace who they are throughout life’s many beautiful stages. Sure, you may not be that same girl as you were in your early 20s. Now you're even're a woman. At Brooklyn Boudoir, you get to choose how you’re styled in a way that makes sense to you. Today's woman is better than yesterday's woman, and you are BOTH beautiful. Onwards and upwards friends. Age is not our enemy.

  4. I need to be getting married/having an anniversary coming up to gift my images

    Sometimes, women need an excuse to do something nice for ourselves, or for choosing to spend money on ourselves. I get that. Your partner liking the byproduct of our session is surely a fun bonus to having a boudoir photo session. HOWEVER, this experience is for you and you alone. A boudoir shoot is a celebration to reacquaint with your feminine self, in whatever style you choose for it to be. You are more than a book, a framed picture or an album. As a woman, you are a work of art, and you deserve to feel that way. While your partner will surely apprecate the images, I suspect that it’s the WOMEN who will be opening up their albums time after time, feeling like a badass, and remembering the amazing day you had.

  5. This isn’t “me” because I don’t see myself as sexy. 

    A boudoir shoot is an intimate portrait session. And so, it’s about intimacy, privacy and solitude. My job is to make you comfortable so you feel great in your own skin, and to draw you out to the person you know you are within. It’s YOUR version of sexy, not anyone else’s. So don’t worry about what you think you “need” to be, and just be you, and I promise you, that you will look and FEEL sexy as hell.

  6. I’ll have to wear sexy lingerie for the session.

    Not even a little. There are no rules that say a boudoir session is about lingerie (see misconception #1). Fun lingerie is great if it’s your thing. But if it isn’t, you’ll look like you’re playing dressup, feel uncomortable and frankly, look uncomfortable. Brooklyn Boudoir is about creating YOUR intimate definition of beauty in any way you like. That can be in a sweater, in a negligee, in a white sheet, or in a ball gown! It’s about intimacy with your sense of self… not your wardrobe. Don’t bring a thing to your session, and we can still accomplish a fantastic shoot. I challenge you! ;)

  7. My pictures will end up on the Internet.

    Absolutely not unless I have your express written consent. Client privacy is the number one priority for any reputable boudoir photographer. To us, your intimacy is a highly protected entity that we go to great lengths to secure, and share ONLY with your written permission. I love and respect all my clients, whether you choose to publish their images or not. It’s not required and has no affect on your experience or the outcome of your shoot.

  8. I can shop around to get great deal for boudoir photography.  

    Ooh this is a hot topic. It’s true that a Brooklyn Boudoit shoot is an investment… an investment in YOURSELF. The blatant truth here is, you’ll get what you pay for.  A woman’s private moments should never feel a “bargain.” A boudoir session can be a life-changing experience, and you’re worth it! A professional photographer's trade is very expensive to run; therefore a highly skilled, reputable boudoir photographer is almost never “cheap” and does not "deep discount". I value my clients and value the service I provide to them. It’s worth saving up for the photographer you want, rather than the cheapest one out there. Because while the right photographer for you may not be cheap, you’ll want a photographer who will go the furthest lengths to earn every penny, with gratitude and a pursuit of excellence. I would venture to say that $500 spent on something you feel “meh” about and never look back at again is actually way more expensive than a $5000 life changing experience that you LOVED, feel transformed by, feel proud of, and can’t wait to do again.

  9. It’s arrogant to hang pictures of myself around the house.

    Why? Is it arrogant to look in the mirror? To keep a journal? To meditate? Your portraits are no different. Years ago I read that every adult should have a casually placed photo of themselves looking their very best in their apartment. I’ve followed that advise since I got my first apartment, and let me tell you it feel great to see yourself looking fantastic every day. Your images won’t be lewd, they will be Art, and there is no shame being proud of yourself. My job is to help you love the woman you see on the wall as much as any other work of art that hangs in your home. There is NOTHING selfish about that.

  10. My friends and family would not approve of me doing this.

    Well, that’s too bad on one hand, but also it’s FINE, because you’re not doing it for them. You’re doing it for YOU. You don’t need anyone else’s approval but your own. If your significant other does not appreciate the opportunity for you to feel special, confident and beautiful, that is their unfortunate choice. But you do not have to choose the same fate for yourself. You are your own person, with your own emotional needs. I respect the nature of your relationship but YOU as my client are my only priority and my person of concern. I grew up in a relateively conservative house and I was TERRIFIED of my family’s judgement when I decided to turn my business over to boudoir photography. I thought they would judge me, but instead they surprised me and have been completely supportive and interested in helping me build my business (ask my 70 year old uncle who kindly reminded me that I hadn’t blogged in a month, or my mom who recently joined instagram just so she could like my photos). So you never know. But, more importantly than that, you owe it to yourself to be true to yourself, in ALL things. Do it for you. Like so many other things in life, you’ll never regret doing it, but you likely will regret NOT doing it for the wrong reasons.

  11. I’ll be a nervous wreck the whole time.

    EVERYONE is nervous at first. Of course! This is natural - after all, most people have never been photographed professionally, much less in a state of undress. But trust me, after photographing hundreds of women, I can honetly tell you that the nerves fall away after about 10 minutes. You’ll get in the makeup chair, we’ll get to know each other, you’ll feel primped and pampered, and the shoot will be happening before you ever know it. I’m a professional, and I’m really good at making women feel comfortable. Your tension will seamlessly melt away and I’ll help you get into your groove. And if by chance, the tension lingers, I have lots of tricks to help you fake it til you make it.

  12. My photographer is going to think my idea is crazy, but…

    Ladies, I have seen and heard it all before. I want to hear what makes you tick, what your fanatasy shoot might be and will do my best to bring it to fruition. If I cannot accommodate your idea, I can certainly refer you to another photographer who may be able to. Your ideas about beauty and intimacy are yours and not up for my judgment.

  13. This is a once in a lifetime experience.

    Well, yes and no. You can do this once for your bucket list; Or, you can do it year after year, as many times as you’d like. Several of my clients come back every few years, and I promise you, each time we shoot together the images get more and more beautiful. I host several past client only events every year so that my past clients can get a little Brooklyn Boudoir fix from time to time as well to treat my VIPs to a little something special. Every time we shoot we capture something different andit just gets better and better. Even if you’ve shot with me 10 time before, each time you come to set it will feel like a once in a lifetime experience, that I promise you!

photos hanging on wall - Boudoir photography myths

What other misconceptions do you think people have about boudoir photography? I’d love to hear and prove them wrong! ;)

xoxo, Stephanie

Curious about a boudoir shoot with me? Contact me and I can tell you more!

When You're Confidant | The Power of a Boudoir Shoot | New York Boudoir Photography


We all want happiness. Even the most seemingly “put-together” women have their own narratives taking place behind the mask that challenges their livelihood. 

When I first started shooting boudoir, I didn’t quite realize the impact it could have on my clients. I loved the idea of working with women, taking beautiful portraits and creating a photography career that didn’t involve weddings or infants. But as I started photographing more women I started to realize the bigger picture in what I was doing. Upon seeing a sneak peak of their session, either on the back of the camera, from the teaser image they get the day after their shoot or at the photo reveal itself, inevitably the woman in front of the lens would say, “Wow! I didn’t know I could look like that!” And THAT is why I shoot boudoir. Because every woman should be able to look at a photo of herself and go wow, that’s really me? And feel GREAT about the fact that, YES! Yes. it. is. 


Boudoir, to me, means confidence and inner beauty. As much as it seems boudoir photography is all about outer appearances, the truth is, it really doesn’t matter what you look like. Boudoir isn’t about being the perfect size, the perfect shape – I mean, what even is that?? It’s about having confidence in yourself. When you have confidence, it oozes out of you. It touches everything you do, and it’s something you can’t fake. This is hard for a lot of people, and leads to excuses like “I’m not thin enough,” “I don’t see myself like this,” “This type of session isn’t for me.” And the personal attacks and excuses go on and on and on…

You have it in you. I know you do because I see it come out during my sessions every single time. Need help getting there? That’s ok! It’s my job to bring that confidence out of you! When you are confident, you are beautiful, stunning, fierce, unstoppable. And really, you could have clothes on and still gain the same experience out of this photo session. What you wear (or don’t wear) doesn’t matter – it’s just the icing on top. What matters is finding it in yourself to feel like you are feminine and ENOUGH.

Ms. T., whose images you see here, was one of my favorite sessions from last year. This amazing business woman almost had to reschedule because — and get this — she is a motorcycle racer amongst many other things and had a spill a week before her shoot. She was scraped up but, as she was traveling in from Texas, and that she is a super badass, we went ahead with her session as planned, working around her injuries.

You would think that being such a beautiful woman and #badassfeminist she would have all the confidence in the world. But the cover is not always the book. Like so many of us, she had her own struggles with self-acceptence, and I’m just so so happy I could be a part of her journey towards loving herself just as she is.

Ms. T said:

Just WOW. I can’t express what a gift you’ve given me. As someone that’s struggled with a lifetime of negative self talk, convinced I’m always going to be either too much or not enough, to finally exhale and have the opportunity to see myself with a fresh perspective through your lens and be proud of who and what I see…

And it goes beyond just the gorgeous images — it’s the experience you create from start to finish that’s helped me learn to celebrate myself and simply be comfortable in my own skin. Thank you for the confidence to finally own my value, my worth and to know that I am enough.

^^^^ THIS! This is the reason why I LOVE being a boudoir photographer. Women need more love and self respect in this world. Many of us feel the need to compare and judge ourselves based on other people’s “highlight reels.” We go to the grocery store and don’t share a smile with the people we pass. We don’t compliment the woman with the nice shoes or who looks like they did their hair extra nice today. Why?

Boudoir to me is extending my light and my confidence to others. I have the skills and the means to show women they are beautiful. I have the courage to give them an experience unlike any other. That’s why I became a boudoir photographer – to extend compassion instead of comparison and to show you the truth about yourself: that you are enough.


So if you’re feeling like a boudoir session ISN’T for you — be assured that each session in our studio is unique and all about you! Show a little, show a lot -- but either way, I believe that every woman deserves to see how beautiful, sexy and unique they truly are. Every body is beautiful and you should be comfortable in your own skin regardless of where you are in your journey in life.

XOXO, Stephanie

Ready to find YOUR confidence? Contact me and let’s chat!

Elise Joan | Client Spotlight | Destination Boudoir Photography


If you don't follow Elise Joan on Instagram, you must go and do so immediately. A beautiful and charismatic yogi and lifestyle coach, her feed is flooding with the most breathtaking organic images of her in practice, in stunning location around the world over along with the most thoughtful and insightful captions. Her stories share amazing lifestyle tips, incredible travel photography (most recently she’s been in Croatia), with occasional cameos by her handsome husband and adorable dog. I assure you, you'll see this feed and go researching yoga classes in your city and then make your friends take them with you. So inspiring and goals AF. 

Elise Joan has been a satellite friend of mine for nearly 20 years. I say “satalite” because there were only a few months at a time that she & I were living in the same city, and so our visits over the years have been few and far between. Even so, time and distance have barely affected our friendship — even after years of being out of touch we can chat over Skype for an hour as if no time has gone by at all. Originally from New York, Elise now lives and teaches in Los Angeles, but travels quite often. So I was thrilled when on my last trip to LA we were finally able to connect.

In a city flooded with yogis, Elise truly stands out. She’s obviously beautiful with an infectious smile and some inspiring travels under her belt. But it’s really much more than that. The magic in Elise’s teachings is that she makes yoga & healthy lifestyles choices seem easy and accessible to anyone, even the most intimidated beginner (raises hand). When you speak with her, you really believe that she’s seeing you, your challenges, what makes you tick. No stranger to life’s challenges herself, she’s honest, open and all about creating a life you are happy with — one that lets you be your best, most authentic self, to help you reach our full potential in life, not just in the yoga studio. And so, our goals for our clients (and women everywhere!) are really very similar.

When I visited her this past March, we almost didn’t get around to shooting because we spent so much time talking! I had thought we would capture her in her yoga practice, but then we realized, she’s captured herself like that so often… we wanted to capture something different. Being in her own home, we created images that feel intimate, quiet, and personal.

Elise said:

Stephanie gently guided me and directed me to bring out my own inner confidence and created a beautiful image showing he complex juxtaposition of my feminine curves and my strength. I felt comfortable, confident and feminine!

Her advise to anyone considering their own boudoir shoot?

Be yourself!! Loose your inhibitions and channel your inner goddess!! I recommend a quick grounding meditation before beginning your shoot to really get rooted in what you want to create and share!

You can find Elise’s workouts at Beach Body on Demand, and come January she will be expanding her classes to a Barre Class (which is very much up my ally, I can’t wait for it!!)

Infinite thanks to Elise for sharing her words, her home, her skills and her beauty with me and the rest of the world. I continue to be so so grateful for the amazing things my camera allows me to be a part of. 

Namaste. ;)

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to be YOUR best self? Contact me and let’s chat!

How to Shop for Lingerie | Tips for your Boudoir Shoot | New York City Boudoir Photographer

So excited for my purchases!

So excited for my purchases!

I was transitioning my closet from spring to summer recently when I noticed that all of my “lingerie” (and I use that word in quotes) were, well, tired.  No scratch that, they were beyond  tired, they were exausted, old, torn up, stained basically in an unacceptable starte for any grown woman.  How long had I had these pieces?  Honestly I don’t remember but suffice it to say it was before I had a baby and everything about them was wrong. My body is different post-baby and my underwear hadn’t gotten the memo.   But where to start when looking for a total lingerie refresh?? I knew I needed help!

Enter lingerie blogger Melissa AKA The Lace Appeal.  I photographed her this past winter and I knew she was the perfect person to ask about rejuvinating my lingerie wardrobe.  If you haven’t checked out Melissa’s site or insta yet, do yourself a favor and do so.  It’s a blog dedicated to all things lingerie, specifically helping women find products that make them feel beautiful.   She’s got amazing recs on boutiques all around the country (east coast, west coast and everything in between), lingerie & activewear reviews, on top of being completely real and relatable.  Her blog is full of fun reads and no topic is taboo - from period boobs to briefs that won’t give you a wedgie, she’s not afraid to talk about it all.  In her words, The Lingerie Appeal is a place for women to explore topics of their bodies freely, sans judgment.   Basically, she’s got the point of view on lingerie as I do on boudoir photography!  I was thrilled that she agreed to take me shopping. 

We met at Sugar Cookies - an amazing ligeerie boutique in Chelsea, which just celebrated it’s 10th birthday this past weekend!  I must admit I was nervous!  I, like so many other women, had never been properly fitted for a bra, and I am (as I’ve written about before) essentially flat chested.  The store is filled with tons of beautiful lingerie options, but would they have anything that fit me?  

Beautiful Sugar Cookies Lingerie Boutique

Beautiful Sugar Cookies Lingerie Boutique

The amazing Monica took my measurments and brought me pieces to try on.   This was KEY.  She was endlessly patient and had a sixth sense about what would work for me.  We tried on a LOT of different options and through good old fashioned trial and error I ended up getting a completely new lingerie wardrobe.  Here are some tips I picked up between Monica and Melissa:

Get fitted by an expert

Monica helping me select the perfect piece of lingerie

Monica helping me select the perfect piece of lingerie

Melissa told me that a shocking 80% of women were wearing the wrong size lingerie!  This seems insane given that most of us wear bras every single day (side note, I’m noticing more and more young women going sans bra these days… but that’s a blog post for another day…)  Many women are surprised to learn what their actual bra size is.  There’s no need to guess or to awkwardly try to manuever a measuring tape around yourself — take it to an expert.

Don’t get bogged down by the sizing.  

Once you do get messured, give yourself some sway in either direction.  Just like with clothing brands, different lingerie brands fit differently.  I was a a 32A in most brands but a 34B in bras from The Little Bra company.  I never would have treid on a B cup bra in the past, but the thing is, you never know unless you try.  The key is to keep an open mind.  Another trick I learned was to aim for a bra that fastens on the loosest hooks, that way as the bra stretches out over time, you’ll have the tighter hooks to compensate for the stretch. 

And speaking of “ I never would have,” don’t limit yourself based on preconceived notions!  

That’s actually good advise for life in general isn’t?  But when it comes to bras, I never would have tried on an unstructed, unlined piece, becuase, well, I feel as if I need some extra oomph.  but when I tried on the Lise Charmel Splendeur Soie No Wire Bra, a silly smile came over my face.  I just felt fantastic and sexy and THAT is what good lingerie is all about.  So try it all on and choose what makes you feel GREAT - you’ll know it when you find it.  

Bring outfit pieces with you.  

If you’re looking for lingerie to go with a specific outfit, it’s a good idea to bring those pieces with you when you go shopping. This way you can match colors and textures together, and see how certain combinations look. Show your outfit or accessories to a store clerk to give them inspiration. They will know the store’s product lines and may be able to help you find the perfect piece to pair with your outfit.  If you’re looking for an every day bra like I was, bring a smooth tight tee shirt or whatever type of top you normally wear to be sure the bra works with it. 

When you find a brand you like stick with it.

I have a hunch that I am the ideal client of “The Little Bra Company,” so I know I can probably count on them for bras and other pieces alike.

Ladies, lingerie is all about confidence.  Try to go when you’re feeling good about yourself, eat a little something to keep your blood sugar up, and give yourself time to sift through the options. If you’re having a hard time, try to remind yourself that we are always our toughest critic. Your partner will think you look amazing no matter what you choose so be sure to be true to yourself and get pieces that give you swagger.   You’ll be really happy you did.

Look at the big goofy smile on my face — I am one happy customer!

Look at the big goofy smile on my face — I am one happy customer!

Here are all the pieces I picked up at Sugar cookies (from top to bottom):

The Little Bra Company Lucia Push Up Bra in black and nude, with matching thongs

Cosabella thong

Lise Charmel Splendeur Soie No Wire Bra

The Little Bra Company Sascha Smooth bra in nude

BlueBella Carmen Basque - just for fun, and because the lace couldn’t be more beautiful.

And a bonus My Bra Kitty, which Melissa turned me on to — the perfect way to pack your bras without them getting squished & misshaped.  

How sexy is that Faux Croc?

How sexy is that Faux Croc?

Have any other questions i can help answer? What tips do you have for lingerie Shopping? Share them below!

xoxo, Stephanie

How to Prepare for Your Boudoir Shoot | New York City Boudoir photographer

Should you get your bikini waxed?  Is tanning a "yay" or a "nay"?  Not sure what to bring? 

These are just a few questions my clients wonder about in the weeks or days leading up to their boudoir photo shoot. As your boudoir photographer, it's my job to be sure I've answered as many questions as possible before you even ask them!  In the efforts to help you better understand what preparing for a boudoir photo shoot entails, here is a small excerpt of tips I offer my clients in my “Boudoir Prep Guide” that I send prior to their boudoir session.


One Week Before

If you wax, do so a good five days before your session to avoid red bumps and irritation.

Get a mani and pedi if that's your style.  Polish-free nails are absolutely ok too, but chipped polish will bug us both, and is tough to fix in photoshop.  Clean, neat nails, whether manicured or not, are key. 

Drink plenty of water so that you are hydrated. This will ensure your skin is luminous. Contrary to popular belief, drinking lots of water also helps to minimizing bloating.

Another way to minimize bloating is to cut back on salty and fried foods, alcohol (sorry to say!) and anything that might make you gassy.

Pin some of your favorite boudoir shots and poses on Pinterest & send them my way. The idea isn't to duplicate the exact photos but it will give me a good feel for what you like (and we can always try to get close to the inspiration). Follow me on Pinterest @brooklynboudoir and we can even create a "secret" mood board together.

Please don’t go tanning ESPECIALLY if you don't normally tan!  Tan lines and burns do not translate well on camera, nor does burned skin. To that end, please do NOT spray tan either! It can come out blotchy  or orange in photos, and might rub off on your clothes, or the bedding.  Not a good look.  You don't need a tan to look great!

Plan to bring a neutral colored panty, a black one and at least one thong with you to your boudoir session. Depending on the shot (and your comfort level) your panties may be showing in your photos… so leave the panties that you’ve had for the past 20 years with the overstretched elastic waist at home 😉


One Day Before

Moisturize and shave - Unless you’re going for that au naturel look, which is totally fine by me! However, if that’s not the style you’re looking for, please do remember to shave and moisturize prior to the session.  A few stray hairs can be removed here and there but we don't want to rely on that.

Get plenty of sleep!  Easier said than done, I know!  But do your best to get some rest so you look and feel your best.


The Day Of Your Session

Please don’t wash your hair the day of the session.  Even refrain from using dry shampoo. Freshly washed hair isn’t as easy to work with for our stylist, and we want to assist them in creating your fabulous look!  That said, greasy hair isn't good either!  "One day" hair is ideal for hair styling. 

Moisturize!  You should arrive with your face washed, makeup free and well moisturized.  Your should moisturize your body as well.  You don't need anything fancy -- classic Jergins or even coconut oil works great!

Aim to show up 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.  There's nothing like showing up late, being frazzled and feeling stressed to ruin your day.  Subways run late, ubers bail, life happens!  Planning to show up earlier than planned with help you feel relaxed and start the session off right.  

Wear loose-fitting clothing like yoga pants, leggings, or a jumpsuit to your shoot. Don’t wear anything tight-fitting that will leave red marks on your body (such as skinny jeans or fishnets). Wear a loose-fitting shirt and either a sports bra, tank with a built-in bra or no bra at all! The goal is to avoid red marks or indentations on the skin. 

Wear clear deodorant (or no deodorant… I won’t judge). You don’t want white getting on your clothes or having those white deodorant bits in your underarms.

Eat something light. I know it’s hard when you want to feel your slimmest but being hungry during your session will not be fun.  Without a small meal, you'll feel low energy which will make you look & feel tired. You will also tire out faster and crash by the end of your session. A boudoir session can feel like hard work if you’ve never done one before! You need to eat something, even if it’s just an energy bar.

Stretch!  Sounds crazy but some of the poses can be challenging.  It's almost akin to a workout!  Many of my clients tell me they are sore the next day!  So your shoot is a good excuse for skipping the gym that day

Put yourself outside of your comfort zone. Many people plan to be entirely covered up during their session, and that’s totally okay if you want to go that route!  But once the session gets going, many ladies start to have fun and get a little more daring! It’s all up to you how much you want to show.  I highly recommend pushing your comfort level because there is no one to judge you and this could be a once in a lifetime experience for you.  Remember, this session is for you and about you. So regardless of how much you decide to show or not show, it’s all about creating fun, sexy, and classy photos.  Many times the magic happens when you let your guard down and let all those pesky insecurities go.

MOST IMPORTANTLY – Relax and take a deep breath! It’s okay to feel a little nervous before your session but please don’t worry – you are in good hands!

A boudoir session is unlike any photo shoot you have ever done before and it does require a little bit of preparation!  My goal is to ensure that you feel great, look great and that you fall in love with yourself in the process.  Hopefully this post helps you feel more confident about preparing for your shoot and ease any doubts you may have, and this is just a small portion of it.  Don't worry -- I got you! 

Prior Clients -- what advise do you have for those about to have a boudoir shoot?  I'd love to hear in the comments below!  

Never had a session, and feeling more confident about one?  Contact me below and I can answer any other questions you may have!

xoxo, Stephanie

The Brooklyn Boudoir Philosophy | New York City Beauty + Boudoir Photographer

The Brooklyn Boudoir Philosophy | New York City Beauty + Boudoir Photographer

If you are thinking about booking a session, it’s important that you find a photographer who’s style you love and whose ethos you can relate to.  My boudoir philosophy can really be summed up with one quote by Dita Von Teese: "It's not about seducing men. It's about embracing womanhood."   Read on for a more in-depth discussion about Brooklyn Boudoir’s Philosophy…

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