40 and fabulous

Why You're Never Too Old for a Boudoir Shoot

Fabulous ladies of Brooklyn and beyond! I'm Stephanie, your go-to award-winning professional boudoir photographer, and I've got a burning question to address today: "Am I Too Old for a Boudoir Shoot?" The answer, my dear, is a resounding NO! Whether you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond, boudoir photography is all about celebrating your timeless allure, embracing your confidence, and showcasing your unique beauty. So, let's explore why age is just a number when it comes to capturing your inner and outer radiance.

Boudoir Over 40 Brooklyn New York

Age Is Just a Number

Ladies, let's debunk the myth that boudoir photography is reserved for the younger crowd. Your age brings character, wisdom, and life experiences that shine through in every shot. Boudoir photography isn't about conforming to societal beauty standards; it's about proudly showing your individuality and feeling like the fierce, radiant goddess that you are. It could be just a milestone birthday or a celebration of your golden years, there's never a wrong time to celebrate yourself.

Think about it this way: every laugh line tells a story, every gray hair represents the wisdom you've gained, and every scar is a testament to your resilience. These are not imperfections; they're the unique features that make you who you are. I've had the privilege of photographing women from their 40s to their 70s, and I can tell you that the confidence and beauty that radiate from older women during a boudoir session are absolutely breathtaking.

over 40 and fabulous body celebration photoshoot in Brooklyn Studio

A Boost of Confidence

One of the most incredible aspects of boudoir photography is the incredible boost of confidence it offers. Aging gracefully doesn't mean shying away from the camera – it means embracing your age and celebrating your journey. A boudoir shoot is a chance to see yourself through a new lens, to rediscover your sensuality, and to revel in the power of self-love. The transformation that takes place during a session is simply magical; you'll walk away with a newfound sense of self-assurance that you never experienced before.

Expert Guidance

Worried about how to pose or what to wear? Fear not, lovely ladies, for my team and I at Brooklyn Boudoir Photography have your back. We specialize in working with women of all ages and backgrounds, offering expert guidance every step of the way. We understand the unique beauty and style that each stage of life brings, and we're here to help you choose outfits and poses that accentuate your best features while making you feel comfortable and confident.

My years of experience working with older women have given me insight into how to capture your essence flawlessly. We'll discuss your vision and preferences, offering suggestions based on what will work best for you. My goal is to ensure you not only look your best but also feel your best during your boudoir session. So, rest assured, you're in capable hands, and I'll make your experience as enjoyable and empowering as possible.

50th birthday celebration

A Celebration of Milestones

As we journey through life, we often reach significant milestones – anniversaries, graduations, retirements, or simply personal achievements. What better way to commemorate these moments than with a boudoir shoot? It's a fantastic way to mark the passage of time and celebrate your life's journey. You'll look back on these images with a sense of pride and nostalgia, treasuring them for years to come.

The Timeless Beauty of Your Story

Your life is a story, filled with chapters, twists, and turns. Boudoir photography captures a moment in that story, a moment of strength, grace, and beauty. The photos become a tangible reminder of the incredible journey you've been on. So, when you're wondering if you're too old for a boudoir shoot, remember that you're never too old to tell your story through timeless and tasteful images.

Embrace Your Unique Beauty

Let's face it, ladies – we are all beautifully unique. Your laugh lines, your graceful silver streaks, and the wisdom etched into your features tell a story of a life well-lived. Boudoir photography highlights these distinctive qualities, making them a part of your allure. When you embrace your unique beauty, you radiate confidence, and that confidence is what truly makes you ageless. The truth is, no one else in the world looks exactly like you. Your quirks, your imperfections, and your individuality are what make you stand out, and boudoir photography accentuates these qualities. The camera captures the real you, not a retouched version of beauty. 

40 and fabulous boudoir shoot Brooklyn

A Truly Empowering Experience

Having photographed countless women of all ages, I can attest to the transformative power of a boudoir session. It's more than just a photoshoot; it's an experience that empowers you to embrace your sensuality and individuality. You'll leave the session feeling like you've conquered the world, with a newfound appreciation for your body and spirit. It's an awakening, a moment when you realize that beauty is not confined to youth – it's a state of mind and an attitude. This empowerment extends far beyond the studio; it seeps into your daily life, inspiring you to embrace every aspect of who you are.

Join the Ageless Movement

So, here's the bottom line, my fabulous ladies: you are never, ever too old for a boudoir shoot. In fact, the older you are, the more wisdom, experience, and confidence you bring to the camera. At Brooklyn Boudoir Photography, we're passionate about celebrating the beauty in every woman, at every age. So, don't let age hold you back from experiencing the empowering, confidence-boosting, and liberating world of boudoir photography.

Ready to Embrace Your Ageless Beauty? Book Your Session Today!

Now that we've shattered the myth that age is a barrier to boudoir photography, I invite you to take the plunge and book your session with us at Brooklyn Boudoir Photography. It's time to celebrate yourself, your journey, and your timeless allure. I am here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you feel comfortable and empowered throughout the entire experience.

So, why wait? Let's capture your ageless beauty and create stunning images that you'll cherish forever. Contact us today to schedule your boudoir shoot and join the ageless movement of women celebrating their unique beauty at every stage of life.

40 and Fabulous: 6 Reasons to Book a Boudoir Photoshoot | New York City Milestone Photography

It's time to celebrate! A boudoir photoshoot is a perfect way to show yourself how beautiful and amazing you are! Here are six reasons why you should book a boudoir photo shoot for your 40th birthday:

1. Celebrate Your Milestone Birthday

Woman in Commando Bodysuit

Your 40th birthday is a major milestone that marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. What better way to celebrate yourself than to commemorate this special day with a boudoir photoshoot?

This photoshoot is all about you. You get to choose your outfits, poses, and backgrounds so that you can create beautiful images that reflect your personality and style. With the help of a professional photographer, you can capture stunning photographs that you will treasure forever.

Imagine looking back on your amazing photoshoot in years to come, remembering how special and beautiful you felt. That’s the power of a boudoir photoshoot – and it’s a gift you can give to yourself this year.

2. Reclaim Your Confidence

A boudoir photoshoot is a luxurious experience that allows you to pamper yourself and turn up the heat on your self-image. You'll be able to work with a professional photographer who will help you to celebrate your body and femininity. This will provide you with a whole new perspective of yourself and help you to feel more confident in your own skin.

Not only will you feel amazing after the photo shoot, but you will also have stunning images to remind you of your beauty. These images can be a powerful tool to help you embrace your power and reclaim your confidence.

3. Show Your Beauty

Say goodbye to dull, lifeless photos and say hello to stunning, captivating images that represent your unique self! You can create beautiful images that showcase your natural beauty and help you express your individuality.

Your photoshoot will allow you to be creative and let your personality shine through. Whether you want to emphasize the curves of your body or play up your sultry looks, you can create images that reflect your style. With a boudoir photoshoot, you can be as daring and bold as you want, and let your true self come through in the photos.

4. Create Lasting Memories

The photos you create during the photo shoot will become an integral part of your story. They will serve as a reminder of your beauty, your strength, and the amazing person that you are.

Your photoshoot photos are more than just a reflection of your appearance - they will become a time capsule of the amazing life you have created for yourself. You will be able to look back at these photos for years to come and remember the moments that made you who you are.

Your photoshoot photos will be a testament to your beauty, strength, and courage. They will be a reminder that you are capable of achieving greatness, no matter the obstacles you may face.

5. Make a Statement

What an empowering way to commemorate a particular moment in your life! A boudoir photoshoot is a great way to celebrate your body and feel beautiful in your own skin. It can be a special treat for yourself, to remind you of how far you have come, or a sweet gift for a loved one. The photo shoot can be as revealing or as modest as you'd like - you can wear something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. You can even incorporate meaningful items like jewelry, or favorite articles of clothing to reflect your unique style. At the end of the day, you'll have gorgeous photos that you can keep forever to remind you of your self-love and beauty!

6. Have Fun

Having a boudoir photoshoot is an incredibly liberating experience. It can be both empowering and exciting, as you get to let your inner beauty shine! You can express yourself in a unique way and create stunning portraits that you can look back on for years to come.

The process can be a lot of fun, from deciding on the perfect lingerie to picking out the perfect makeup and hairstyle. Once the shoot is underway, the photographer will direct you through each pose, capturing the real you through their lens.

It's a chance to let go and embrace your femininity, creating something special that you can look back on with pride. So why not give it a go - you never know, you may just surprise yourself!


Your milestone birthday is the perfect opportunity to celebrate your beauty, reclaim your confidence, and create lasting memories. Whether you're making a statement or simply having fun, you deserve to be pampered on this special day.

Celebrate your milestone birthday in style and get ready to make some unforgettable memories. Book a boudoir photoshoot with Brooklyn Boudoir and show the world just how beautiful you are!

Curious about celebrating your milestone birthday with a boudoir shoot? Email me and let’s get the conversation started!

The Big 4-0! | Thoughts on Aging | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer


Many of you know that yesterday was my 40th birthday! I had an amazing weekend at the NYBG Evenings (the orchid show was amazing!!) and having a very civilized tea at the Plaza with my hubs and three year old. It was a classic New York weekend, which is fitting as that’s just how I think of myself: Classic NYC.

I don’t really feel 40, but then again what does that even mean? When I look around I feel basically the same age as most everyone around me. Age has never been super important or scary to me — I’ve always felt pretty balanced and “in the moment” of the age I was at the time. At 22 I started dating a man 15 years older than me. At 37, he seemed like a “Man” with a capital M. None of my friends could believe I was dating “an old guy” but I just shrugged. Age is mental, and I still believe this to be true.


While every phase of life has had it’s share of good and bad, there are some things about aging in general that remain consistently true. Here are a few things I actually love about aging:

I no longer “should” myself to death.

I come from a very conservative family with a lot of social and familial obligations. The way we “should” look or act has been a constant theme in our house growing up. And of course, there ARE certain ways you should act…(politely, with respect for others…) but back in my 20s I did things solely to please others to a fault. My mom (who is amazing) is the ultimate “should-er”: I “should” go to church, I “should” wear more makeup, I “should” put a barrette in my daughter’s hair. There were stale friends having parties that I “should” go to, even though I didn’t want to, and ended up overextending myself and exhausting myself just to save face. The thing is, I have reasons that I DON’T do these things, and I’m finally confident enough in myself and my decisions not to buckle to external pressure. And so I don’t wear more makeup, I don’t put barrettes in my kid’s hair, I only go to the parties I really WANT to go to, and I go to church as often as I feel is right for me without guilt. And it feels great.

Feeling good in my skin.

Think back to how you looked when you were 20. My guess is that you were HOT but that you didn’t think you were at the time. At 30 you probably looked back on your 20s thinking, “I WISH I appreciated how cute looked!” I sure do. I’m a solid 10 pounds heavier than I was before I had my first kid just 4 years ago! I had no idea, or at least no appreciation for how svelte I was looking, and what a shame. It’s so hard to take a step back and see yourself as you really are, so difficult to be kind to yourself sometimes, but it’s SO WORTH it. Hating on your looks is a massive waste of time (oh, and negative self-talk also ages you faster!) It would be nice to be back to that pre-mom bod, sure, but I also now know how AMAZING my body really is. I grew and birthed an incredible little girl, fed her from my body for a year, continue to support her with my body, brains, heart… and no amount of cellulite can take away my pride in that. Sometimes my daughter points to my tummy and asks something like, “is there a baby in there?” or says she likes cuddling me “because your tummy is so soft.” It doesn’t get to me, because she only ever looks at me with pure love, and I try to look at myself through those same eyes. My smile lines? There are lots of stories and happy times behind them. My forehead wrinkles? They can instruct my kid (and husband for that matter lol!) to do what I need with a mere glance. My underage circles? Well, those always existed, they are hereditary and there’s not much I can do about it so I’m not going to stress those either.

Rejecting the myth of perfection

You know that voice — the one that tells you you aren’t smart enough/successful enough/attractive enough. By 40, you know it well enough to tell it to shut the f*ck up. I’m not saying we shouldn’t strive for self-improvement. But I don’t let what I’m NOT decrease the importance of what I AM, and I certainly no longer compare myself to other people. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. NO ONE is perfect, even those people who seem to be on the surface. Pefection is not only unattainable it’s frankly in my opinion, boring. I’d much rather be my own perfectly imperfect self, not hold myself to an unattainable standard and just be happy being who & what I am right now. Imperfect works.

Perspective and resilience

I’ve been a shy child, an awkward middle schooler, a ballet-loving tween, a punk teenager, a college girl in love, an on the prowl twenty-something, a blissed out newlywed, a dual-career thirty-something, a terrified new mom, a newly forty year old woman writing this post… Life has had enough downs to know there eventually is an up, and that nothing is the end of the world. Sometimes you feel stuck or lost or heartbroken, but things always change. There is always a plan B. Hard times can feel endless, but they always always end.

I also hear sex is best for women in their 40s. Just sayin.


OK, I’ll quit being a Pollyanna for a second and say of course there are things about aging that bum me out, such as:

Being Called Ma’am

Failing to understand Snapchat

The crackling sound my knees make.

Grey hairs that poke straight up on my head. I’ve been pretty lucky in the grey hair department, and I’ve finally stopped plucking them out but still, 😑

At the end of the day, it’s better to get older than NOT to get older! I’m grateful for all the experiences, (bad boyfriends included) that have led to me being this version of me.

In the words of the late, great, David Bowie: I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.

xoxo, Stephanie
