maternity photographer brooklyn

The Sexiest Thing You Can Wear | What to wear to your boudoir shoot | Brooklyn Boudoir Studio


One of the most common questions I get from soon to be clients is - what should I wear?? A lot people stress about the right outfit for their boudoir shoot, and I’m here to tell you, you NEED NOT WORRY. Once you book your session I will send you a very detailed prep guide to help you decide what to wear, and I’m always available to talk through your wardrobe options before your shoot. I’m also working on a blog post (coming soon) about boudoir wardrobe that you already have in your closet. But beyond those things, I’m going to tell you the secret to a great boudoir shoot — are you ready for it, ladies?? The sexiest thing you can wear for your boudoir shoot isn't lingerie, your beau's favorite shirt, or nothing at all. The answer is: YOUR BEAUTIFUL SMILE.  

Yes, that's right.  I said it. It is OK to smile/laugh in your boudoir photos!  Not only is it OK, but a full-forced laugh while you're sprawled out on your bed, in my opinion, is insanely sexy. To me, there is nothing more attractive than a woman who loves life and feels good enough about herself to bust out into laughter while in her lingerie.  ADDITIONALLY, it's probably going to be a lot easier for you to burst into laughter during your shoot than it will be for you to sport a sultry "come hither" look.  So no worries, and let yourself have fun (and show it!)

Now, a confession: I don't actually encourage my clients to smile for their photos. I DO want the smile, but when it happens, I want it to be genuine. I don't want it to be posed, staged, or faked. Fake smiles are surely NOT sexy to me. I want actual emotion.  And yes, a lot of your images will be more “serious” faced … but I have tricks to bring our some genuine laughter, and when it happens … magic.


Some of my favorite boudoir shoot moments came from my clients rolling into a fit of laughter after I ask them to give themselves a “sexy hug” (yes, it comes out as lame on set as it does on the page). Sometimes that laugh happens because I say an incredibly immature word hoping to elicit emotion (you'll know it when you hear it, and it works every time.)  Sometimes, I don't have to do anything at all, and you just laugh because you're feeling a little nervous. That's ok, too! There is nothing like some giggles to get the nerves out! No matter how we get it, I love it, and you will too, and so will anyone you show the photos to.  Seeing a person laugh is like looking through a window to their soul. And here’s the other thing — I’m often laughing with you so the photos aren’t always perfect — they might be off kilter or * slightly * out of focus. But I don’t care, because the moment was real, beautiful and perfectly imperfect just like you are.

SO, yes, the sexy face has it's time and place in boudoir, BUT ALSO, if you are lying there being photographed and you have the urge to laugh uncontrollably...don't fight it.  I want to capture you & all sides of your personality — sexy, funny, passionate, bold, tame — WHATEVER it is that makes you feel like your most authentic self, we will capture it!


xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to capture yourself smiling and feeling great? Contact me and let’s chat!

Best Year YET | 2018 Brooklyn Boudoir Review


2018 was a year for the books. It’s hard to believe how much I crammed into one year, and can’t believe it’s already new year’s eve! It truly was the Best Ever Year of Brooklyn Boudoir, and I couldn't have done it without each and every one of you who follows along regularly and trusts me with their boudoir experiences.

Here’s a short review of the year!


Some of my favorite images (that clients have given me permission to share) from this past year:




2018 took me traveling to Miami (twice!), New Orleans, Boston (twice!), Los Angeles (twice!), Boulder Colorado, Charleston, SC and an awesome visit to Collective Retreats on Governer’s Island, which felt like a world away even thought it’s right in the middle of NYC. So far for 2019 I’m working on dates for my next LA trip (sometimes mid-winter) and am planning a 40th birthday trip (!) to Paris!



I’ve never been much of a New Year’s Resolution girl. I pretty much try to be my best self ALL of the time and don’t care to beat myself up over a lapsed resolution. HOWEVER, I do have lots of ideas and plans for myself both personally and professionally and my goal is to achieve at least some of them this year.


In 2019 I plan to...

* HOST MY FIRST PAST CLIENT EVENT, SHOOTING FINE ART NUDES IN MY FANTASY STUDIO. Sorry, ladies, this is for past clients only. First timers really need the whole experience before diving into mini sessions. I plan to hold one or two of these each year and I’m really looking forward to this first one!! (it’s happening in just 6 days, and it’s going to be A M A Z I N G !)

*Be interviewed for a documentary about working mothers — we are such an important part of the population and the subject of motherhood in America needs much more attention! I’m not sure when the film will be released but I will keep you all posted via instagram and my newsletter (which you can sign up for on the sidebar to the right if you haven’t already —->)

*TRAVEL as much as I can. Traveling has always been such a big part of my life and something that always brings me great joy. I am so grateful to have traveled as much as I did before I had kids, but I still feel that itch to do more — there are still so many places I’d love to see! Luckily my little one is great on planes so I want to get more adventurous with our travels both for business and pleasure.

*Put myself out there a little bit more. Guys, I’m all about straight up instagram but the other social media platforms are just not my thing (I’m still waiting for someone to explain snapchat to me, sorry if that makes me sound like a grandma). I love making connections with my clients and realize I can start that process even earlier by getting on Instastories and showing my face a little more. I’m going to need some help with this one so feel free to keep me accountable!

*Offer mentorships. This is something I have wanted to do for some time now, and have had several requests for in the past. I just always prioritized my clients and my customer experience before everything else and didn’t feel I had the resources to take on a mentor. HOWEVER, when I was in Boulder, CO this last November for a boudoir photographer’s retreat, I met so many incredible artists all of whom were helping each other out. It was inspiring, and made me want to share the love as well. I plan on giving photographers a very thorough and customized experience when it comes to their business coaching, just as I do with my client shoots, so I will only offer a handful of mentorships a year. So if you are a fellow photographer looking to step up your game, give me a holla and let’s chat!

*EDUCATE THE $%&@! OUT OF MYSELF. I have always loved being a student — and a good one at that. I really love to learn and have studied with some of the best boudoir photographers out there, including Kara Marie, Christa Meola and Lola Melani. I plan to continue to study photography for as long as I'm shooting. I want to enhance my technical craft, and continue to push my creativity to keep my work fresh and improving it every year.  

*GIVE EVEN MORE TO MY CLIENTS. I'm always looking for new ways to make my clients feel extra special. From customizing a location just for them, to following up with them years down the road to congratulate them on new life events....client relationships are really important to me. That's not just something I saySo, in 2019 I'll be fine tuning the client experience even more to give them alllll the warm and fuzzies.  

*HAVE MORE DATE NIGHTS WITH THE HUBS. Being a working mom is hard, and in an effort to take better care of myself, my clients, my kid and my business, my husband tends to get the boot. Something’s got to give of course, but I miss the days when we would go on weekly dates. However busy life got, we always used to go out on Fridays and often did something unusual around the city. Weekly dates aren’t really feasible right now (the cost of a babysitter doubles the cost of the night!) BUT I have to believe that a monthly date will be good for both our relationship and my psyche.

FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, TRULY, GENUINELY, THANK YOU. Thank you for reading through this long and winding blog post, thank you for reading all/ANY of my blog posts. Thank you for every sweet comment, every word of encouragement, every Instagram "like". Thank you for trusting me with your boudoir experience. Thank you for being friendly and my friends. Thank you for all of your continued support of making my passion a career. I love you all and cannot wait for ANOTHER Best Year Ever in 2019.  I am so grateful for the abundance of business, blessings, and beauties that surrounded me in 2018. 

xoxo, Stephanie

Four Reasons You SHOULDN'T Have a Boudoir Shoot right now (spoiler alert: you actually should) | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer

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People have a lot of preconceived notions about boudoir photography. Things like who might have one, how that person might be, the reason one might have one, etc. Many women are curious about it, but not many believe it’s for them. Well, I’m here to tell you that boudoir is for everyone! Here are the top 4 reasons why people have felt that a boudoir session is totally not for them, and why they are wrong (if I don’t say so myself) ;)

1. “I would love to do a boudoir session! I just have to lose these last 15 pounds first…”

She almost cancelled because she didn’t feel “camera ready”… and ended up buying nearly life-size prints of her images!

She almost cancelled because she didn’t feel “camera ready”… and ended up buying nearly life-size prints of her images!

First of all, I guarantee that you don’t really need to lose 15 pounds. And if you actually do, Girl (not to get too real on you), but how long have you been working on losing those last 15 pounds for?! I have been saying that I was going to start working out really hard and losing the cellulite on my legs since the eighth grade, no joke (it’s still there and I’m turning 40 this year). Let’s be honest, those “last 15” are less of an actual weight loss goal and more of an excuse not to put yourself out there. It’s a self-esteem thing. Believe it or not, a boudoir shoot can actually help you overcome your insecurities. But here’s the thing about a good boudoir photographer: The single most important goal of the session is to create photos that are YOU. 15 pounds plus or minus don’t definite who you are, and they are not going to be the focus of your images. Good boudoir photographers know how to pose you, use shadows, light, and good editing to create photos that you can’t help but find yourself being (maybe surprisingly) in love with. Boudoir is for EVERY body. So seize the day! You can always come back for another photoshoot when you lose the 15 pounds.

2. “Boudoir is always so sexy and I’m THE LEAST SEXY PERSON I KNOW!”

She’s a mom of 2, and claims she isn’t sexy.

She’s a mom of 2, and claims she isn’t sexy.

Yes, boudoir photography is “sexy” but that’s because women — all women — are inherently sexy. Even you! Don’t feel like a sex goddess?? Totally fine! “Sexy” is about a lot more than pouty lips and bedroom eyes. I never want my clients to feel like they are dressing up as someone else, so we will celebrate what is sexy about you — quirks, laughter, silliness… it’s all sexy to me. Overall, my style is more “effortless cool girl, I just woke up like this” sexy without trying too hard. I once heard the phrase, “Imperfect works” and I think about that all the time in my art. I LOVE imperfections. They are what make you unique, and in this time of social media influencers, to me there’s nothing sexier than someone who isn’t like everyone else. So bring everything that is YOU to your shoot, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be led by your photographer. Like I said in #1, I will pose you, direct you, and inspire you in such a way that you will be giving all of the facial expressions and body language we need for a badass shoot. You may not even realize it! All you need to do is be yourself, have an open mind and trust me and the rest will unfold beautifully!

3. “I don’t have any reason to have boudoir photos… it’s not like anyone but me is going to see them anyway.”

She flew to NYC and did it for herself!

She flew to NYC and did it for herself!

Great, who better to celebrate you than you?? Single, married, divorced, widowed, doesn’t matter. There’s many amazing occasions in which a boudoir photo shoot would be perfect for you… even if you never take home one photograph. I of course, encourage you to take lots of photographs and firmly believe that every woman should have a casually displayed photograph of themselves looking their very best somewhere in their home. Believe me when I tell you that you will feel amazing every time you see that photo. You can be fully dressed, you can be anonymous so no one else needs to know it’s you, but you will love it and be so happy to have it. As we get older, we as women tend to put our energy towards others more than ourselves — we have our jobs, our significant others, our families, and five million other responsibilities that we take care of before ourselves. People are demanding of our time and are needing our energy almost 24/7, so it’s no wonder that while we’re busy making it our business to be interested in everyone else, that we end up forgetting to make time to stay interested in ourselves! To me one of the the beautiful things about boudoir photography is that it allows you a unique experience to see yourself with curious eyes again, and that is an invaluable gift to a woman who hasn’t been engaged with herself for a long time now. So by all means, take the photos and keep them to yourself if you want to… though I feel pretty confident that once your get your photos, you’ll find that you won’t want to keep them to yourself!

4. “Boudoir photography seems like a waste of money.”

Valuing YOURSELF is priceless.

Valuing YOURSELF is priceless.

Sure, I get that… and so is going out to eat, going to concerts, buying yet another pair of nude pumps that look almost exactly like the other 5 pair of nude pumps you already have, and so is paying for a Spotify account when the free version will do just fine! New Yorkers of ALL people recognize the value in things that seem otherwise expensive, otherwise we wouldn’t live in New York (am I right?) I wrote a whole blog post about the value of a boudoir shoot — check it out here, and realize above all, YOU ARE WORTH IT. And of course, I realize a boudoir photoshoot is a luxury experience, so if it still feels out of reach, save for it the same way you would anything you want but feels out of reach. I’ve had clients book their session nearly a year in advance so we could arrange a payment plan (which we can) and so they could budget accordingly.

Boudoir photography is not only for people who have disposable income, have perfect bodies, have a significant other to gift it to, or for those that are super confident in front of a camera. It’s literally for everyone…. including you! Be prepared to have some fun and to realize that so many of our limitations are really only rooted in self-doubt. You are a brave and beautiful person. We all see that, but now it’s time for you to see it too!

A Sexy Bride and Kindred Spirit | New York Bridal Boudoir Photographer


I was recently in Boulder, CO for a boudoir photographer’s conference (yes, that exists!). In talking about their client base, one of the other photographers there said something that resonated with me: “I am my client and my client is me.” I, of course, welcome all women and believe that a boudoir shoot is for everyone. I also believe that the way to have your best boudoir experience is to find a photographer that you really connect with.

Truthfully, I didn’t predict that Ms M and I would have gotten on so well. This woman is PUT.TOGETHER. I feel *mostly* put together most days but next to Ms. M I (frankly) felt like a mess — she is a #BOSS who wears heels to work and is definitely not shy expressing her sensual side (RESPECT). She has smooth, tan skin, perfectly manicured nails and eyebrows, and is juggling A LOT (as we New York women do) with style. She lives in a big, beautiful home in Long Island, which is where we had our shoot. She was planning the wedding of her dreams and I was, quite frankly, a bit intimidated of her.

But (and here’s where I have to pat myself on the back) Ms. M IS my woman and she and I got on amazingly! We love the same designers, including the one who designed her wedding dress (swoon!). We spent the entire shoot gabbing, laughing, and just having the best time. I know I must be doing something right when I can attract like-minded women like her. Our shoot was a wedding gift for her long-time beau and finance and I am so looking forward to the chance of photographing her again (said fiancé has already put in his request) ;)

I love how we captured Ms. M’s softer side with white lingerie and a veil as well as her saucy side with thigh high boots, a fishnet bodysuit and leather crop top. It’s aaaalllllll about variety and Ms. M wore all her looks so.damn.well.

A few words from Ms. M:

Stephanie was just simply amazing! I felt so comfortable and never felt so comfortable in my own skin! From the minute she walked in with her bubbly energy I felt I knew her for years. I’m so happy and pleased I found her and chose her. My pictures are so amazing because of our instant connection. Get a photographer that brings good energy from the minute she walks in, be you and let yourself go !! The results will boost your self esteem and your significant other will truly appreciate your beauty so much more - you will too.

When you have a Brooklyn Boudoir Experience, you and I will get to see each other at least 3 times — at your shoot, at your photo reveal and when you get your products. We also spend time emailing and talking before the shoot so that before we even meet, we have a relationship. It’s so important to me to get to know my clients, because a personal relationship and a good rapport is the best way for me to capture authentic portraits and the best way to ensure your photos embody your style & the vibe you are going for. I want my clients to be happy first and foremost so I want to get to know you! For me, it’s not a “one size fits all” experience, because a boudoir shoot is a personal thing.

I never know who you are going to meet in this business and I love that. Would Ms. M and I have met otherwise? Probably not. But I am so so happy we did and smile every time I think of her, her STUNNING wedding, her puppy and the fact that both she and her new husband were so happy with their images.

THANK YOU, Ms. M for making me a part of your dream wedding and for a relationship I know will last a long time - I can’t wait to photograph you again!

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to connect? I would love to hear from you!

Let's talk about Money (eek!) | Your Investment | NYC Boudoir Photographer


Let’s talk about money.  Yikes!  Something important but often awkward to discuss.  But I’m not scuured (ok, I’m a little scuuured, I’m an artist not an accountant after all!) ;) 

After over three years — which is an unheard of amount of time in photograhy world — I will be raising my prices on January 1.  Don’t worry — any session booked before Jan 1 will still receive the 2018 prices, even if the shoot is happening next year, so if you’ve been thinking of having a shoot and need an excuse to go for it, this would be a great time to take the plunge!


Some women experience a little bit of sticker shock when they see the price tag of a photoshoot.  And it’s true — like any luxury purchase, a boudoir photoshoot experience is a substantial investment.  When looking for a boudoir photographer — or any signifigant purchase for that matter — price will, of course, be one of the deciding factors.  But I hope you don’t let it be the ONLY factor.  There is a big difference between cost and value, and it’s the VALUE of a boudoir session that makes it worth the cost. The most important thing is that you find a photographer that you connect with, who’s style you love, and who you can see going back to again and again.  Because as amazing as a boudoir session can be — a BAD boudoir experience can be HORRIBLE.  (Believe me, I’ve had one, which is one of the reasons why I decided to become a boudoir photographer — so I could give my clients a better experience than I had!! But that’s a whole other story… )  

To me, something is “expensive” if the cost is greater than the value I find in it. This is different for everyone. I would gladly spend money on a travel, for example. Even if my credit card that month might make me want to cry, I know if 5 years time, I won’t remember the credit card bill, but I WILL remember the adventures, the experiences, the food... Others might prefer to spend their money on a designer purse, or a car that they love. Things that are worth the investiment are things that you will LOVE every time you see, use or think about.  Something that takes you back to a fanastic day or time in your life.  Memories.  What most people don't anticipate is that, unlike a designer handbag, gorgeous heels, or even a glamorous getaway, I PROMISE YOU: 

This experience is worth it.  Some women even tell me that it’s life-changing.  The  pampering you’ll get in the hair and makeup chair… the rush you’ll get when you’re in the groove of your shoot feeling like a supermodel, the badassedness you’ll feel after your shoot, like you can conquer anything, AND THEN being able to see the images day after day reminding yourself of all those feelings again and again.


I’m not a “cheap” photographer.  I don’t hold sales per se.  Raising my prices is not something I take lightly and not something that is randomly assigned.  The price of a boudoir session is the price for a reason and I think you’ll see, as my previous clients can attest to, that the experience is absolutely, 100% worth it. Because at Brooklyn Boudoir, you will receive the utmost customer service — personalized attention so that we get to know each other, so that you feel comfortable enough to let your true self shine though while I’m photographing you. I spend time getting to know you and tailoring your shoot to your style and tastes. You’ll get top quality hair and makeup by some fabulous film and TV artists, who make the day feel like a bunch of girlfriends hanging out. By the time we are shooting, you’ll forget all about the fact that you’re in your skivvies and have I have yet to have a client who hasn’t felt this way, so if you trust me and trust the process, I can promise that you will become a convert. After the experience of feeling like a rock star, you’ll receive your fine art products, which have been skillfully & subtly retouched to look like you on your best, most well-rested day, AND get a few surprises and treats along the way.

So just like any large expense, my advise for those who want to do a boudoir session but can’t afford it right now is to save up for it, just as you would a vacation or a designer bag you’ve had your eye on.  Don’t take the decision lightly.  Follow along on the blog and the newsletter to learn more about me, see more of my work, read about past client experiences… I want to be sure you are 100% comfortable with your expereince and that you walk away ectatic.  THAT is my goal — to give you an amazing experience and make you feel like a million dollars with the images we create together.

Boudoir Photography is about loving yourself, being fearless and embracing who you are. It’s about giving you the confidence you deserve.  It’s about surprising yourself, being bold, and trying something new. And THAT, to me, is priceless.

Ladies, we spend a lot of money in our lives on a lot of things, but let me tell you: investing in yourself is everything. I believe you are worth it, and I think you’ll see once you have a Brooklyn Boudour experience you will believe you are worth it as well.

Ready to get your shoot on? Send me a message and I’ll give you all the details!

xoxo, Stephanie

Why I Got Into Boudoir Photography | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer


Inevitably, at every boudoir shoot, my client asks me how I got into shooting boudoir photography. It’s usually while they are sitting in the makeup chair and we are making casual conversation. I always tell the story of HOW this career came to be for me, but to be honest, I only really share the cliff notes version in that moment. There’s a deeper answer that is best told over a glass of wine. So grab a glass of wine (hey, it’s 5pm somewhere!) as I share the answer to WHY I got into boudoir photography.

Here’s the short story: I started out in film production, while doing photography on the side. I loved photography, particularly portrait photography, but didn’t know how to build a business out of it, without resorting to wedding photography, family portraits or newborn photography. Major props to all the photographers out there who do those things, because they are all really really hard, and just not my scene. I was working on several personal photography projects, (some of which you can check out on the “other work” page of my site if you are interested) when my sister-in-law told me she had a boudoir shoot. Light bulb moment. This was a THING?! I was intrigued, and had my own shoot with the same photographer. The images were technically proficient, and nice enough, but they weren’t “Me.” I felt like a sheep being ushered through the same poses and the same system as every other women before me, and thought to myself: 1) I TOTALLY get why a woman would seek out a boudoir shoot and 2) I can do this way better — or at least differently — than the experience I had. I wanted to provide a more personalized experience, connect with women in a real way and deliver beautiful photographs that were modern and sensual in a non-cookie cutter kind of way. And so, Brooklyn Boudoir was born!

But there’s a little bit more to this story:


Before I even knew what boudoir photography was, I embarked on a 365 days self-portrait project which forced me to be creative and focus on my craft every single day. As I got more comfortable taking self portraits, I was realizing that sensuality played a big part in my work, and it was empowering for me to express my sensuality in an artistic way. You see, I grew up in a family that is very conservative and strict. We didn’t talk about sex at all, except to say, “just don’t do it until you are married.” It left me with a lot of questions that I never felt safe to ask and I felt very much left to just figure it out on my own when it came to anything related to sex. Ultimately it turned out ok, but it was really difficult as a young girl to have these feelings and not feel like I had a positive outlet for them. In fact, before film or photography were viable career options for me, I wanted to be a therapist for young girls who needed someone to talk to about sex. And the funny thing is — even though I never went back to school to get my therapist’s license, I do actually feel that I AM doing something along those lines! Clients have even told me that their shoots are a form of therapy for them. Except instead of it being therapy for young girls who don't yet understand their sensuality yet, a boudoir shoot is amazing therapy for a woman who has that sensual creature inside of her, just maybe hasn’t seen her for while.

A self portrait circa 2007 — before I knew photoshop or any kind of lighting / color correction techniques ;)

A self portrait circa 2007 — before I knew photoshop or any kind of lighting / color correction techniques ;)

Beyond the importance of acknowledging our sensuality, I also believe it’s really important to stay interested in YOURSELF. Maybe that sounds crazy to you, but think about it. You’re interested in where your career is going, what your child ate for lunch, where the local bloggers tell you to eat or shop… but what are you doing to stay engaged with who YOU are? We, as women, so often let ourselves fade into the background of our own lives, and frankly, I’m done with that.

Remember when you were young and you thought you were the most interesting thing on the planet? Yes, it was all very vain, but it was also you taking an interest in yourself, which I will argue is a powerful move. When you’re young being stagnant doesn’t feel like an option you’re willing to take. It’s all about evolution, forward movement, progress, adventure, change. And are those bad things?? Hell no! When you’re young all you want to do is grow. Then you reach “adulthood” and it seems our personal discovery peaks right at the point when we establish our careers and have families. Before long we find that we are taking care of multiple kids, our partners, our bosses, our parents… the more people we become responsible for the less we seem to take interest in ourselves.

Now, of course, this is not the case for every woman. We are all different and everyone responds to life differently. I’m speaking out of personal experience, and from the many conversations on this topic I’ve had with other women over the years.  Every woman is unique, but it seems no matter what our journey looks like, we all end up looking into the metaphorical mirror and asking ourselves “Who am I?”

And so, this is also a big part of why I got into boudoir photography. I have a passion for inspiring women to become interested in themselves again and for helping them remember who they are APART from the many roles they play in the lives of others. When a woman sees herself in a boudoir photo, she’s able to answer in one small way, that “Who am I?” with an enthusiastic “That’s me!” And the photos are just a small part of the experience. The undervalued and rarely discussed truth is that the photo session ITSELF is an opportunity for you to discover yourself in a new way and regain the distinction between who you are, and who you are to other people.

When you have a boudoir shoot with me, you’ll have a safe space to let yourself feel beautiful, relaxed, and to appreciate the unique individual that you are. So many women see their photos at the reveal and exclaim, “I can’t believe that’s me!?” I love seeing my clients see themselves with fresh eyes, with curiosity and interest again. It’s the best part of my job.

Ahh… so that was a long story (see why I recommended a glass of wine?) Bottom line is, I feel I found a career that is exactly right for me. In fact, a friend of mine once told me it’s as if I was BORN to be a boudoir photographer. And I have to say I agree! I love my job and feel so grateful for all my clients who trust me with their boudoir experiences. I like to think I’ve made a difference in their lives and I can say for sure that they have made a difference in mine.

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to rekindle a romance with yourself? Send me a note and let’s chat!