
Let's talk about Money (eek!) | Your Investment | NYC Boudoir Photographer


Let’s talk about money.  Yikes!  Something important but often awkward to discuss.  But I’m not scuured (ok, I’m a little scuuured, I’m an artist not an accountant after all!) ;) 

After over three years — which is an unheard of amount of time in photograhy world — I will be raising my prices on January 1.  Don’t worry — any session booked before Jan 1 will still receive the 2018 prices, even if the shoot is happening next year, so if you’ve been thinking of having a shoot and need an excuse to go for it, this would be a great time to take the plunge!


Some women experience a little bit of sticker shock when they see the price tag of a photoshoot.  And it’s true — like any luxury purchase, a boudoir photoshoot experience is a substantial investment.  When looking for a boudoir photographer — or any signifigant purchase for that matter — price will, of course, be one of the deciding factors.  But I hope you don’t let it be the ONLY factor.  There is a big difference between cost and value, and it’s the VALUE of a boudoir session that makes it worth the cost. The most important thing is that you find a photographer that you connect with, who’s style you love, and who you can see going back to again and again.  Because as amazing as a boudoir session can be — a BAD boudoir experience can be HORRIBLE.  (Believe me, I’ve had one, which is one of the reasons why I decided to become a boudoir photographer — so I could give my clients a better experience than I had!! But that’s a whole other story… )  

To me, something is “expensive” if the cost is greater than the value I find in it. This is different for everyone. I would gladly spend money on a travel, for example. Even if my credit card that month might make me want to cry, I know if 5 years time, I won’t remember the credit card bill, but I WILL remember the adventures, the experiences, the food... Others might prefer to spend their money on a designer purse, or a car that they love. Things that are worth the investiment are things that you will LOVE every time you see, use or think about.  Something that takes you back to a fanastic day or time in your life.  Memories.  What most people don't anticipate is that, unlike a designer handbag, gorgeous heels, or even a glamorous getaway, I PROMISE YOU: 

This experience is worth it.  Some women even tell me that it’s life-changing.  The  pampering you’ll get in the hair and makeup chair… the rush you’ll get when you’re in the groove of your shoot feeling like a supermodel, the badassedness you’ll feel after your shoot, like you can conquer anything, AND THEN being able to see the images day after day reminding yourself of all those feelings again and again.


I’m not a “cheap” photographer.  I don’t hold sales per se.  Raising my prices is not something I take lightly and not something that is randomly assigned.  The price of a boudoir session is the price for a reason and I think you’ll see, as my previous clients can attest to, that the experience is absolutely, 100% worth it. Because at Brooklyn Boudoir, you will receive the utmost customer service — personalized attention so that we get to know each other, so that you feel comfortable enough to let your true self shine though while I’m photographing you. I spend time getting to know you and tailoring your shoot to your style and tastes. You’ll get top quality hair and makeup by some fabulous film and TV artists, who make the day feel like a bunch of girlfriends hanging out. By the time we are shooting, you’ll forget all about the fact that you’re in your skivvies and have I have yet to have a client who hasn’t felt this way, so if you trust me and trust the process, I can promise that you will become a convert. After the experience of feeling like a rock star, you’ll receive your fine art products, which have been skillfully & subtly retouched to look like you on your best, most well-rested day, AND get a few surprises and treats along the way.

So just like any large expense, my advise for those who want to do a boudoir session but can’t afford it right now is to save up for it, just as you would a vacation or a designer bag you’ve had your eye on.  Don’t take the decision lightly.  Follow along on the blog and the newsletter to learn more about me, see more of my work, read about past client experiences… I want to be sure you are 100% comfortable with your expereince and that you walk away ectatic.  THAT is my goal — to give you an amazing experience and make you feel like a million dollars with the images we create together.

Boudoir Photography is about loving yourself, being fearless and embracing who you are. It’s about giving you the confidence you deserve.  It’s about surprising yourself, being bold, and trying something new. And THAT, to me, is priceless.

Ladies, we spend a lot of money in our lives on a lot of things, but let me tell you: investing in yourself is everything. I believe you are worth it, and I think you’ll see once you have a Brooklyn Boudour experience you will believe you are worth it as well.

Ready to get your shoot on? Send me a message and I’ll give you all the details!

xoxo, Stephanie